Software development? What is it? Well, it is everything that must be done during the creation of software (and to maintain it and keep it working), or as Wikipedia defines it “it includes all that is involved between the conception of the desired software through to the final manifestation of the software”. We can engage […]
Posts Tagged ‘#InflectionPoint’
Requirements: A Glance from All Team Role Perspectives
Sometimes, when we think about the best strategy to ensure the success of an IT project, and therefore, a software project, we start thinking on how skilled and experienced the Developers should be, the software technology reliability, how much time we must spend on the Quality Assurance of the product, etc.; but we often lose […]
.NET Framework Guidelines and Best Practices
A brief summary, some handy links, and information to get started on .Net best practices for all development stages. At Perficient, we always strive to enforce that the best analysis, architecture, and implementations are followed. The .NET Framework Guidelines and Best Practices is a good way to start if you are building a solution using […]
Web Optimization Minification and Bundling Resources
There are several techniques to enhance the overall behavior of a website. The purpose of this article is to review Minification and Bundling of resources like CSS and Javascript and the tools that are available at the moment for doing it. Minification It refers to the process of removing unnecessary or redundant data without […]
A Day in the Life of a Software Tester
It’s been a while since I realized that my life was a little different than everyone else’s, I began to notice certain abilities and features that set me apart from the rest; a power so great that I began to concern those around me, fortunately I discovered that I was not alone, there were others […]
Sitecore Query Error: End of String Expected at Position
A couple of weeks ago a coworker experienced a serious issue while working with Sitecore Query. He spent a lot of time trying to run a query for an easy search but it was not working. My friend was pretty sure the syntax was well formed but when the query was executed the result was […]
Adding Custom Fields to Sitecore User Part 2
Now its time to cover the access of customized fields using the Sitecore’s API; we will see how a couple of classes help to set, read or even remove the fields in user profile. Regardless the need that pushes you to add new fields to Sitecore users, you can rely in Sitecore User Profile Templates […]
Adding Custom Fields to Sitecore User Part 1
If you’re working with a Sitecore project, you would probably need to add some fields to the user profile, such as work phone, zip, or social media accounts. Most of the time, the first option to achieve this task is to add SQL tables to store the new data for each user. Still, this approach […]