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Posts Tagged ‘healthcare’

Dreamforce: Social Media in Regulated Industries

We had a panel discussion today on the use of Social Media in Regulated Industries.  We focused on Healthcare and Life Sciences, but the same info applies across the industry landscape.  In regulated industries, social media is especially scary because conversations can be negative, can involve complex subjects and can involve regulatory compliance issues.  For […]

9: A Patient Portal Is Mobile

For all you keeping track of my previous posts, you can find a list here. To anyone with a smart phone (over 50% and climbing) or a tablet, stating that a patient portal is mobile is like saying that the sky is blue.  Of course it’s mobile.  Why wouldn’t it be.  A very large portion […]

8: A Patient Portal Is Sticky

To see all the other posts, visit the main What Is A Patient Portal post. In many ways, “stickiness” can be seen as a composite of everything else I’ve defined in all the patient portal posts.   It merits it’s own post because getting a patient to the site and having them return multiple times […]

Hashtags for Cancer

Over on, Dr. Michael Katz talks about connected health care.  In this blog post, Hashtags in Cancer Care: Embedding Meaning in Digital Health, he proposes a more formal set (“ontology”) of hashtags for cancer information.  While hashtags have traditionally been a means of spontaneously organizing Twitter  tweets, I think Dr. Katz’s idea has a lot […] | Good, Fast or Cheap: Pick Two

Kevin Orbaker, Director at Perficient, recently wrote a blog post about the challenges that has been facing and provides three take-a-ways that are important for every software deployment. I have been following the rollout of the federal governments website and the subsequent healthcare exchanges. I have been reading many articles outlining the challenges […]

Memorial Hermann Uses Dynamics CRM for Patient Engagement Webinar

Most would agree that it’s critical to leverage technology solutions that’ll increase your competitive advantage while decreasing your costs. Healthcare organizations are doing just that, using Microsoft Dynamics CRM to reduce inefficiencies, optimize care plans and improve financial management. To learn more about customer relationship management (CRM), and specifically what your organization can accomplish using […]

Three Lessons Learned from

I have been following the rollout of the federal governments website and the subsequent healthcare exchanges. I have been reading many articles outlining the challenges that the team has faced with such a massive implementation, in a limited timeframe. There are many lessons to be learned from the story, but I would like […]

7. A Patient Portal Is Contextual

You can find the entire, What Is a Patient Portal series here. Today’s discussion may have the most significant impact on a patient ability to understand their medical record but it’s also the most difficult to explain.  So let me give you some definitions: Contextual: The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, […]

6. A Patient Portal Is Process Driven

You can find the entire series here in the initial post. You may wonder why I even mention process for a patient portal.  I mean, a patient logs on, does his or her business, and logs off.   There’s not much process.  From that viewpoint, you are correct, there’s not much process.  However, in order […]

5. A Patient Portal Is Social

Continuing on with the series, I want to talk about the social aspects of a patient portal.  I will freely admit that some of what I describe skirts the line of what security and privacy experts will call acceptable.  However, I think it’s possible to be social while not releasing protected health information that will […]

Treating Patients with Watson

Dr. Marcie Stoshak-Chavez, Healthcare Director at Perficient, recently wrote a blog post on using IBM’s Watson to diagnose and treat patients. I have to admit that I was jealous when I read that my alma mater and “old training grounds,” Case Western Reserve and the Cleveland Clinic, were engaging IBM’s Watson to further clinical diagnosis, […]

4: A Patient Portal Is Personalized

You can see my other posts on what is a Patient Portal here. While not the most complex aspect of a patient portal, personalization may well prove the most important.  When I talk to hospitals about their portals, they all speak of one thing, the need to drive people to their site and the need […]

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