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Posts Tagged ‘data integration’

Cloud: It’s NOT all where it’s at…..

Like my 1st grade teacher would tell me when I ended a sentence with this preposition……”It’s between the ‘A’ and the ‘T’”.  Well, in this situation, it’s between the “cloud” and the “on premise”. More and more companies are starting to explore and use Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) as a viable option for developing […]

Integrating Big Data to improve decision making and reduce cost

Several weeks ago, I was watching a cable network news channel and the news anchor was discussing what it will take to win the next presidential election. As he discussed it in more detail, he commented about how there will need to be much better analysis of data to pinpoint the right segment of the […]

Financial Services Sees Big Value In Big Data: Top 10 Trends

SunGard has identified ten primary trends that have been shaping the financial services industry’s use of big data in 2012. These trends cover wide-ranging drivers such as predictive analytics, compliance, mobile and globalization. To accompany the list, Neil Palmer and Michael Versace (global research director at IDC Financial Insights) discuss these trends in more detail via webcast. Below is SunGard’s […]

Integrating External Data into Sitecore

The Sitecore Competency Center team at Perficient has worked on projects in the past where we needed to integrate data that would not be stored within Sitecore with items from Sitecore.  We’ve learned a few lessons from doing this, and I hope to share some with you in this post. The first lesson is to […]

Meeting the Challenge of Managing Population Health

In the closing weeks before the Christmas holiday, I made a whirlwind tour of several large integrated delivery networks (IDNs) in search of the newest Holy Grail in healthcare: Managing Population Health. The race to Accountable Care Organizations and Shared Savings performance contracts has resulted in a new level of enterprise data integration never imagined […]

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI): Few Design And Performance Tips

There are many ETL (extract, transform and load) tools out there but Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) has gained a lot of ground because of its ability to perform event-driven, high-volume batch uploads from disparate data sources and to the variety of target applications/data storages.  Having worked on a recent implementation, I have come to appreciate […]

The Competitive Advantage of Integrated Clinical and Financial Data

The healthcare world is in the middle of a data revolution of sorts. Both providers and payors are starting to realize that their transactional systems contain a wealth of data that can be used for strategic advantage. Many organizations are spending considerable time and resources in standardizing, cleansing and remediating data issues in their transactional […]

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