SPSS CLEM is the control Language for Expression Manipulation, which is used to build expressions within SPSS Modeler streams. CLEM is actually used in a number of SPSS “nodes” (among these are the Select and Derive nodes) and you can check the product documentation to see the extended list. CLEM expressions are constructed from: Values, […]
Posts Tagged ‘certification’
Sampling Your Data
Another interesting feature of SPSS Modeler is its built-in ability to sample data. It is pretty typical to have (in one or more files) hundreds of thousands of records to process, and using complete sets of data during testing can take a huge amount of your time and is inefficient in terms of computer processing […]
TM1 vs. SPSS Modeler Comparison Continues – Setting to Flags
Consider the scenario where you have to convert information held in a “categorical field” into a “collection of flag fields” – found in a transactional source. For example, suppose you have a file of transactions that includes (among other fields) a customer identifier (“who”) and a product identifier (“what”). This file of transactional data indicates […]
Performance Testing TM1Web Applications with HP LoadRunner
If you’ve ever attempted to perform a performance test on a TM1 application, you know that there is not really an effective way to manually create sufficient load on a model. Getting “real users” to execute application operations – over and over again – is nearly impossible. Thankfully, an automated testing product can solve for […]
Obstacles on the Road to Excellence – the Three-C’s
Establishing an organizations center of excellence (COE) takes vision and a strong commitment to overcoming obstacles. Three common obstacles often encountered on the journey towards excellence are: Complacency, Complexity and Conservatism. Complacency Complacency is the notion that “this works, it’s manageable, so why change it?” This attitude comes from the old saying, “if it’s […]
IBM SPSS Statistics Syntax Best Practice
I recently audited the IBM course IBM SPSS Statistics Syntax I – ILO 0L406. In that course, you are introduced to the scripting language that IBM SPSS Statistics offers. It’s well worth your time. SPSS Syntax is a scripting language composed of a library of functions that can be used to modify, manage and analyze […]
A Case for a Center of Excellence
Center of Excellence (CoE) A Forrester survey (“The EA View: BPM Has Become Mainstream”, Forrester Research, Inc.) indicated: “Of companies experiencing clear measurable improvement in FPM, 49% have a CoE in place” With that in mind, I attended a presentation by Sandy Kemsley, (an accomplished FPM Analyst and Consultant) entitled, “Maximizing FPM […]
TM1 TurboIntergrator
TM1 TurboIntergrator TM1 TurboIntegrator (or TI) is the programming or scripting tool that allows you to automate data importation, metadata management, and many other tasks. In my recent book: IBM Cognos TM1 Developers Certification Guide- (http://www.amazon.com/IBM-Cognos-Developers-Certification-Guide/dp/1849684901), I discussed advanced techniques for TurboIntegrator (TI) scripting in regards to the current IBM Cognos […]
Cognos TM1 User Experience
The Quandary I’ve literally written a ton of VBA code over the years to “enhance” my end user’s experience. For example, I’ve often slapped a button on a worksheet or toolbar and used the E_PICK to pop-up a dimension subset editor allowing a selection of particular element and then using that selection to drive changes […]