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Posts Tagged ‘automotive industry trends’

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Dealer Transformation Has Started, But It Is Certainly Not Completed

Last night, I went to the dealership to pick up my new leased vehicle. I tend to like leasing vehicles because technology changes so quickly. A typical 3-year lease tends to be on the outer limits before the technology is obsolete. Anyhow, my wife and I went to the dealer. I saw my new vehicle […]

Self Driving Autonomous Cars On Traffic Circle

Connected Vehicles: The Future of Automotive is Here

Vehicles today remind me of smartphones on wheels. When you get down to it, they are computers capable of software upgrades, navigation, sensing, and even entertainment through subscriptions or mobile apps. Automotive manufacturers are realizing that many young consumers are preferring frictionless and fully digital customer journeys as opposed to multiple lengthy in-person visits to […]

Mother And Black Daughter Peeping Outside Car

Why OEMs Should Start Taking Automotive Subscription Services Seriously

Sitting here by the lake on a Saturday afternoon, I am watching my wife scroll through our entertainment options. This otherwise ordinary practice made me realize that we are very used to subscriptions and countless choices for entertainment. Before our modern bombardment of media, my childhood consisted of three network channels and a large antenna […]

Las Vegas

Key Takeaways from the Automotive and Manufacturing Networking Lunch at Adobe Summit 2023

This week, I had the great honor of speaking during the Automotive and Manufacturing Networking Lunch at Adobe Summit 2023. Before I say anything else, I want to acknowledge what our partners at Adobe have built as industry leaders in technology solutions that enable companies to become experience makers. Not only is Adobe a leader […]

Hand Of Man Driving Car On The Road.

Improve the User Experience and Engagement When Online Vehicle Shopping with AI Virtual Assistants

Written in collaboration with Amanda Klinge   We have seen a major shift in how consumers shop for products online. From groceries to luxury goods, people rely heavily on the information readily available thanks to the convenience of their personal devices. Over the past few years, one industry stands out due to a notable shift […]

Automotive Brands are Digitally Cannibalizing Themselves

Digital marketers, working on behalf of the same brand across all three tiers in the automotive industry, are competing with each other. They are driving up costs for each other and providing inconsistent messaging and pricing to consumers. To give you a specific example, let’s use Paid Search marketing, as this is the marketing channel […]

Trends in Automotive: A Look Back—and Ahead

Every day, we sit at our computers and read the constant flow of headlines that cross the wires. In our meetings, we hear about our competitors, from what they are working on to how they are getting it done. It is these stories that drive organizations to innovate and perform better. It is these conversations […]

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