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Posts Tagged ‘agile’

Configuration of Sahi Automation tool

There are various Automation tools available in the market and open source tools have this upper hand over the licensed ones because there is always an extra investment needed to buy the commercial product. If the goal is achieved with an open source tool and is reliable then why to go for a licensed one? […]

Facilitating a coding dojo

Introducing coding dojo to a new group could be challenging. I facilitated quite a few dojo sessions, here are the rule of thumbs: We need at least 90 minutes to 2 hours If the audience haven’t tried test driven design before, we need to give them brief  introduction to: red-green-refactor concept 2 roles of pair programming: driver […]

Executable specification on Android and iOS platform

Traditionally, in order to test both Android and iOS apps, we need to: Create a test case document. Translate the test document to automation scripts for Android and iOS. As a result, we need to maintain 1 document and 2 scripts for each user story. But now, there is a less painfulway. All we need is […]

Limitations of Automation Testing

So far we have seen what Automation can do to help us in reducing human effort, time, cost etc.  Here I will discuss few scenarios for which either Automation can’t be done or is not required. There are certain tasks which can be performed only using Automation tools such as Load, Endurance, and Scalable Performance […]

Three Attributes of an Agile BI System

In an earlier blog post I wrote that Agile BI was much more than just applying agile SDLC processes to traditional BI systems.  That is, Agile BI systems need to support business agility.   To support business agility, BI systems should address three main attributes: Usable and Extensible –  In a recent TDWI webinar on business […]

Use of VBScript with Selenium to connect to database

While most of the Automation scripts manipulate just the UI of an application, by making our scripts communicate with database we can accomplish more complicated tasks. Here is an example:- Suppose you have to automate an application which works on online voting system where in once the vote is casted using the application, it goes […]

Scrum and Software Architecture

I have been thinking a lot about implementations of Scrum in several past clients and how proper software architecture has been incorporated. In many of those implementations, software architecture had been left to the team without much discussion amongst the team about approach or vision. Many teams lacked an architect role. 

TM1 Project Agility with JIRA

The JIRA has been a powerful and useful tracking tool for most agile projects. It is being evolved to provide more convenient features onward. In past half year I and my team just worked on a TM1 project where we managed and tracked all requirements, tasks and efforts in JIRA tool between multiple teams. TM1 […]

Oracle and Announce New Strategic Partnership

Today Oracle and unveiled the forging of a new partnership that will align their cloud operations and provide customers flexible application integrations and rapid low-cost implementations. Both Companies Agree to Integrate and Oracle Clouds From Oracle OPN Press Release, Redwood Shores, Calif. – June 25, 2013 [NYSE:CRM] and Oracle [NASDAQ:ORCL] announced today a comprehensive […]

Data driven testing using Selenium

Let’s see what Data Driven testing is? “It is an automation framework where test input and/or output values are read from data files. The different data files may include ODBC sources, csv files, Excel files, ADO objects, etc. The data is then loaded into variables in recorded or manually coded scripts.” Now let’s take an […]

Types of Automation Framework

“A Test Automation framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and tools that provide support for automated software testing”. So why do we need Automation framework. Can’t we just record the steps of any test case using the automation tool and playback whenever we want to execute the testcase? The answer is ‘NO’. Let’s see the Record/Playback Myth. […]

Automating Math Captcha using Selenium IDE

What is Captcha? Sounds like a core technical jargon, which in reality isn’t. “Captcha is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a human being.” You might have noticed in some registration pages, at the end of it there is an image which has some letters displayed on […]

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