I recently had the opportunity to attend the AEM Gems webinar previewing the latest release of Adobe Experience Manager, AEM 6.4. This new release comes with many new features and enhancements including significantly enhanced capabilities in Content Intelligence, template editing, and multi-channel publication. It’s one of Adobe’s more technical changes, however, that will have a […]
Experience Management
Restore a Sitecore Database from an Azure SQL Database BACPAC File
If you are working with Sitecore in Azure and your databases are Azure SQL Databases, you may find yourself in need of restoring a backup from Azure to your local environment. When you create a database backup from Azure (or your project architect provides it for you), you will notice that the file extension is […]
A Can’t Miss Event: Sitecore 9 Forms and Maximizing the Editing Experience
Are you a Sitecore developer in the metro Denver area? If so, we have a special event just for you! The Rocky Mountain Sitecore User Group (RMSUG) is returning on April 18th, headed by two of Perficient’s very own Sitecore MVPs. Our Hosts Toby Gutierrez (2015-2018 Sitecore MVP) will be diving into the details and inner […]
Less is More: Write Clean Elegant Codes in AEM
A clean, elegant code base goes a long way. It helps developers read and modify the code, sets a good foundation for future development, reduces technical debts and maintenance overhead, makes code easier to unit test, follows best practices, and much more. This still holds true in the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) world. However, many […]
AEM Assets Series: Understanding AEM Metadata Schemas
Metadata is defined as data that provides information about other data. In AEM, metadata is used to describe assets and content for information purposes, findability and delivery. Simple examples might be the title of a photograph, shot date, and photographer. AEM allows the grouping of metadata using Metadata Schemas. These schemas can be applied at […]
Quick Fix: AEM + Search&Promote Integration Uses Stage
Adobe Search&Promote is a powerful SaaS search offering within the Adobe Marketing Cloud. Adobe offers an integration between Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe Search&Promote using AEM’s Cloud Services. This integration is meant to allow authors to easily deploy and configure basic search experiences with the two tools. Unfortunately, there is an issue with the integration where […]
AEM Assets Series: Creating a Taxonomy
Taxonomy is a categorization framework used to identify or tag content. It sets the foundation for classification using a controlled vocabulary which leads to better findability and easier information management. A taxonomy should be agreed upon by business and content owners, and flexible enough to respond to changing business needs. Using the Taxonomy Features in […]
AEM Assets Series: 5 Tips for Creating a Unified Folder Structure
Creating a standardized assets folder structure is one of the first tasks when building an enterprise Digital Asset Management (DAM) system. Often organizations are combining disparate storage systems into a single DAM, and it’s necessary to understand the way contributors classify assets internally, attempt to recognize patterns, and make improvements to better suit the needs […]
Introducing Apache Sling 10
The Apache Sling project recently announced the latest version of our runnable distribution, Apache Sling 10 or Apache Sling X if you are a fruit company fan. And much like the latest fruit product release, this release of Apache Sling is 32% skinnier and costs 200% more, after all, it’s still free! What’s New in Apache Sling 10? […]
Run: The Final Step in Re-Platforming to Adobe Experience Manager
If you’ve ever been involved in re-platforming, you know it’s a big undertaking. As organizations look to migrate to a new content management platform, like the latest version of Adobe Experience Manager, they invest time and resources in careful planning, defining strategy, and implementing. No doubt, it’s a huge endeavor for most. But there’s a light at […]
Adding and Sorting Child Items in Sitecore Experience Editor
If you have a Sitecore component that picks up and renders its child items, such as a Hero Slider or a Navigation component, you can enable Inserting, Deleting and Sorting child items in the Experience Editor simply by adding some Experience Editor Buttons on the rendering: Here is how it looks to insert or sort […]
Federated Authentication in Sitecore 9 – Part 2: Configuration
Let’s take a look at the configuration for federated authentication in Sitecore 9. By the way, this is Part 2 of a 3 part series examining the new federated authentication capabilities of Sitecore 9. If you missed Part 1, you can find it here: Part 1: Overview Enabling Federated Authentication Before we can begin implementation, […]