When it comes to your brands’ databases and handling deletions, we typically encounter fear of deleting. In our last virtual discussion, we reviewed the concept of deletions and how they lead to successfully creating an actionable and lean database. An actionable, lean database is where a majority of the database has recently engaged with you […]
Cutting-edge innovation, insights and thought leadership on the Adobe Experience Cloud from Adobe’s leading digital experience partner
Creating a Custom YAML file for the Access Control Tool
In my previous post I talked about how to add service users to the YAML file exported by the AC Tool. But what if you want to do something else that isn’t currently possible without a recompile? There may be many reasons to create a custom file, the reason I did it was to include […]
Everything is Made Up and the Points TOTALLY Matter
A big question for many brands and their marketing automation strategy is, “Why your scoring model is causing friction with sales, and what you can do about it?” Our team recently held a virtual discussion on how to deploy a scoring model for the first time, tips and tricks on optimization, and how you can […]
Netcentric AC Tool – Adding Service Users to Your YAML Files
In my last post, I showed you how to create your YAML output files. By default, these files do not contain any user information, however, the tool does give you a pretty easy way to include these by using an OSGi configuration. The only drawback to this approach is that you can’t change it without […]
Getting Started with the Netcentric Access Control Tool
Keeping permissions in sync across environments is an issue for most organizations. In AEM, you can export permissions using packages but this becomes a tedious process if you need to do this on a regular basis. I won’t say that the AC Tool solves the problem completely but it’s a good place to start. In […]
AEM Rockstar 2020 Has Gone Virtual And Why You Should Signup!
In a previous blog post, I expressed how excited I am to be presenting at Adobe Summit as a finalist for AEM Rockstar 2020. As you know, Adobe Summit has gone virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That also meant that, and to my dismay, the in-person rockstar session was cancelled. But fear not! because […]
Part 2: Building AEM Admin Consoles that will not break with new AEM releases
This is part 2 of a 2 part blog post. If you have not already, checkout part 1. In this post, I pickup on what we discussed in part 1 and add coral-spectrum and a new CLI to generate Admin interfaces in your existing project. Before we get to it You do not have to […]
Finding Content Without a Tag With AEM Query Builder
Recently, I came across a requirement where we needed to build a complex query. The query was all the combinations of the title predicate, date predicate, and tags predicates to search for the page results. One of the parts in the given requirement was to search the pages that did not include a specific tag. […]
Become an Adobe Digital Marketing Expert this April
In my previous post, Locked Down? Learn AEM in April, I talked about how PluralSight’s #FreeApril program gives you access to great training on Adobe Experience Manager. For those of us also working with more than Content Management, #FreeApril provides some great training for you too! PluralSight has great courses on Adobe Analytics and Target […]
Locked Down? Learn AEM this April
At Perficient and in my household, our kids and friend’s kids are learning from home. While balancing the needs to keep ourselves and our families happy and healthy we have to ask ourselves, what comes next after these unprecedented times? For those of us in the Digital Marketing space, the best way to manage this downturn […]
Part 1: Building AEM Admin Consoles that will not break with new AEM releases
So, you built this new and shiny Admin Console in AEM Author to enable your authors to do something cool, like ACS Commons Generic List for example. And you’ve probably built said Admin Console UI using whatever is shipped with your AEM version: Coral UI2, Coral UI3 and/or jQuery and others. This is part 1 […]
Where to Begin After a Marketo Audit
At Adobe (virtual) Summit, Karan Hari — GlobalLogic India Limited hosted a session on the importance of regular maintenance and audits of your Marketo instance [The Audit Doctor: How to Keep Your Marketo Engage Instance Healthy]. He covered the many benefits of performing an audit and the pitfalls of not maintaining your Marketo instance regularly. […]