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Praseela Radhakrishnan

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Sending and Receiving an event through EventBridge with Multiple Targets

In this context, we will show how to send an event using custom rule and retrieve an event by adding target. Here I have added two targets which is simple pub/sub implementation as Amazon SNS as our publishing service, Amazon SQS as a subscriber and monitor the success event logs using AWS CloudWatch in EVENTBRIDGE. […]


Multiple Keys/Value pair with Custom Filters in Apache Kafka

Introduction: Before I even start talking about Apache Kafka here, is it possible to use list of keys in Kafka? Yes, It’s all possible. In this post, we’ll see how to use multiple keys/value pairs with multiple filters. First create a simple Kafka producer and a Kafka consumer in a Spring Boot application using a […]

Working At Home With Laptop Woman Writing A Blog. Female

RequestBody and Multipart on Spring Boot

Introduction: Recently I have faced an issue in my project on using the multipart and JSON simultaneously. I would like to share my knowledge on how this issue can be fixed. For this scenario, I have taken a sample Spring-Boot application that uses JSON/ POJO and Multipart. Below are the steps to achieve passing the […]