Are you a SharePoint Rockstar? Do you want to be a SharePoint Rockstar? Do you want to live like a Rockstar? The Perficient team would like to give you the chance to live like a Rockstar with your own Home Theater. The winner will be announced on the last day of the SharePoint conference, but […]
Liza Sisler
I am passionate about connecting people and information and fascinated by the evolution of social business solutions and cloud adoption. I currently lead Perficient's Partner & Industry Marketing team and am fortunate to work with incredibly talented people sharing the stories, accomplishments and insights of the Perficient team.
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Blogs from this Author
SharePoint as a Social Business Platform (Infographic)
While doing some research I came across this great infographic from the Dachis Group. While reviewing the infographic I couldn’t help but think of it in the context of SharePoint as an enterprise social business platform. As I explored in my SharePoint Adoption & Use post, data from the infographics shared there suggested that 78% […]
Perficient to Present at SharePoint Fest Chicago!
With Fall fast approaching it’s time for SharePoint Fest Chicago! The Perficient team has presented at every SharePoint Fest in Chicago and Denver to date. This year we’re excited to have three colleagues from our Chicago team present as you can read in our press release here Perficient will serve as a gold sponsor and […]
Office 365 and the Direct Project
It was interesting to read Healthcare IT News‘ post today on the CDC looking to use Direct Project for a health safety network. According to the post The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) needs a health information service provider to deploy the Direct secure messaging protocol to make it easier and more automated […]
SharePoint Adoption and Use (Infographic)
While doing some SharePoint research, I came across two interesting infographics I wanted to share. The first infographic is from Perficient partner Rackspace and is based on a survey of 14,000 US based IT professionals in addition to Technet, McKinsey & Microsoft Newscenter. In a post early last year ZDNet‘s Mary Jo Foley shared that […]
Will Microsoft be the ultimate winner in the Apple, Samsung verdict?
Much of the press and blog coverage following Apple‘s billion dollar judgement against Samsung has focused on what it means for Google and Microsoft. The Washington Post’s Cecilia Kang in her post titled Apple’s patent victory spells changes in smartphones for consumers sums it up like this Apple’s big court victory against Samsung on Friday […]
Will Azure & Office 365 BAA’s drive faster Cloud adoption in Healthcare?
My Colleague Martin Sizemore had a great post this morning on Microsoft stepping up to the HIPAA Compliance challenge in the Cloud. In the post, which you can read here Martin talks about Microsoft’s recent announcement that support for HIPAA compliance is now avaliable for Windows Azure in addition to Office 365. From Martin’s post Microsoft […]
Perficient revives online presence for the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
by Taylor Rhyne I’m excited to share that today Perficient announced the re-launch of a comprehensive HIV progress information hub for the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) at From the press release, which can be read here. The new communicates the not-for-profit organization’s mission to ensure the development of safe, effective, accessible, preventive HIV […]
Perficient wins Microsoft Healthcare Provider Partner of The Year award!
I’m really excited to share that for the second time in three years Perficient has been honored to be named Microsoft’s Healthcare Provider Partner of the Year. From the press release, which can be read here Perficient, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRFT), a leading information technology consulting firm serving Global 2000 and other large enterprise customers, today announced […]
Perficient wins Microsoft Cloud Partner of the Year, Northeast
The Perficient team was excited to be selected as Microsoft‘s Northeast District Cloud Partner of the Year award winner, at Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner conference in Toronto, Ontario. The award recognizes Perficient’s work in helping customers to move to Office 365, Microsoft’s cloud based productivity and collaboration suite. The Perficient team has worked with client using our Exchange […]
#HIT100 – My Top 10
The #HIT100 is a crowd sourced list of the most influential people in healthcare IT social media, as defined by the community. The list was initially the brainchild of Michael Planchart, also known as @TheEHRGuy on Twitter. Michael explains the resoning behind the list and the nomination process here. Nominations for the #HIT100 list are […]
Welcoming Northridge to the @Perficient_MSFT team!
It’s been a busy year for the Perficient Microsoft team. In February we announce that Perficient had acquired fellow Microsoft NSI Partner PointBridge and with today’s announcement that Perficient has acquired Northridge Systems we continue to expand our Microsoft footprint and reach. From the Press Release which you can read here Perficient, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRFT), […]