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From Cloud to Local: Effortlessly Import Azure SQL Databases

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With most systems transitioning to cloud-based environments, databases are often hosted across various cloud platforms. However, during the development cycle, there are occasions when having access to a local database environment becomes crucial, particularly for analyzing and troubleshooting issues originating in the production environment.

Sometimes, it is necessary to restore the production database to a local environment to diagnose and resolve production-related issues effectively. This allows developers to replicate and investigate issues in a controlled setting, ensuring efficient debugging and resolution.

In an Azure cloud environment, database backups are often exported as .bacpac files. The file must be imported and restored locally to work with these databases in a local environment.

There are several methods to achieve this, including:

  1. Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  2. Using the SqlPackage command-line.

This article will explore the steps to import a .bacpac file into a local environment, focusing on practical and straightforward approaches.

The first approach—using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)—is straightforward and user-friendly. However, challenges arise when dealing with large database sizes, as the import process may fail due to resource limitations or timeouts.

The second approach, using the SqlPackage command-line, is recommended in such cases. This method offers more control over the import process, allowing for better handling of larger .bacpac files.

Steps to Import a .bacpac File Using SqlPackage

1. Download SqlPackage

  • Navigate to the SqlPackage download page: SqlPackage Download.
  • Ensure you download the .NET 6 version of the tool, as the .NET Framework version may have issues processing databases with very large tables.

2. Install the Tool

  • Follow the instructions under the “Windows (.NET 6)” header to download and extract the tool.
  • After extracting, open a terminal in the directory where you extracted SqlPackage.

3. Run SqlPackage

  • Put .bacpac file into the package folder.(ex: C:\sqlpackage-win7-x64-en-
  • Use the following example command in the terminal to import the .bacpac file:
  • powershell
    SqlPackage /a:Import /tsn:"localhost" /tdn:"test" /tu:"sa" /tp:"Password1" /sf:"database-backup-filename.bacpac" /ttsc:True /p:DisableIndexesForDataPhase=False /p:PreserveIdentityLastValues=True

4. Adjust Parameters for Your Setup

  • /tsn: The server name (IP or hostname) of your SQL Server instance, optionally followed by a port (default: 1433).
  • /tdn: The name of the target database (must not already exist).
  • /tu: SQL Server username.
  • /tp: SQL Server password.
  • /sf: The path to your .bacpac file (use the full path or ensure the terminal is in the same directory).

5. Run and Wait

  • Let the tool process the import. The time taken will depend on the size of the database.

Important: Ensure the target database does not already exist, as .bacpac files can only be imported into a fresh database.

The options /p:DisableIndexesForDataPhase and /p:PreserveIdentityLastValues optimize the import process for large databases and preserve identity column values. SqlPackage provides more reliability and flexibility than SSMS, especially when dealing with more extensive databases.



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Prasad Joshi

I am a technical expert who provides leadership in developing technology-enabled applications and services within the Optimizely Commerce framework and ZNode eCommerce framework.

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