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Front-End Development

Ramp Up On React/React Native In Less Than a Month

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I’ve had plenty of opportunities to guide developers new to the React and React Native frameworks. While everyone is different, I wanted to provide a structured guide to help bring a fresh developer into the React fold.


This introduction to React is intended for a developer that at least has some experience with JavaScript, HTML and basic coding practices.

Ideally, this person has coded at least one project using JavaScript and HTML. This experience will aid in understanding the syntax of components, but any aspiring developer can learn from it as well.



There are several tiers for beginner level programmers who would like to learn React and are looking for someone like you to help them get up to speed.

Beginner with little knowledge of JavaScript and/or HTML

For a developer like this, I would recommend introductory JavaScript and HTML knowledge. Maybe a simple programming exercise or online instruction, before introducing them to React. You can compare JavaScript to a language they are familiar with and cover core concepts. A basic online guide should be sufficient to get them up and running with HTML.

Junior/Intermediate with some knowledge of JavaScript and/or HTML

I would go over some basics of JavaScript and HTML to make sure they have enough to grasp the syntax and terminologies used in React. A supplementary course or online guide might be good for a refresher before introducing them to modern concepts.

Seasoned developer that hasn’t used React

Even if they haven’t used JavaScript or HTML much, they should be able to ramp up quickly. Reading through React documentation should be enough to jumpstart the learning process.


Tips and Guidelines

You can begin their React and React Native journey with the following guidelines:

React Documentation

The React developer documentation is a great place to start if the developer has absolutely no experience or is just starting out. It provides meaningful context in the differences between standard JavaScript and HTML and how React handles them. It also provides a valuable reference on available features and what you can do within the framework.

Pro tip: I recommend starting them right off with functional components. They are more widely used and often have better performance, especially with hooks. I personally find them easier to work with as well.

Class component:

function MyButton() {
    return (
        <button>I'm a button</button>


Functional component:

const MyButton = () => {
    return (
        <button>I'm a button</button>


The difference with such a small example isn’t very obvious, but it becomes much different once you introduce hooks. Hooks allow you to extract functionality into a reusable container, this allows you to keep logic separate or import it in other components. There are also several built-in hooks that make life easier. Hooks always start with “use” (useState, useRef, etc.). You are also able to create custom hooks for your own logic.


Once they understand basic concepts, it’s time to focus on advanced React concepts. State management is an important factor in React which covers component and app-wide states. Learning widely used packages might come in handy. I recommend Redux Toolkit as it’s easy to learn, but extremely extensible. It is great for both big and small projects and offers simple to complex state management features.

Now might be a great time to point out the key differences between React and React Native. They are very similar with a few minor adjustments:

ReactReact Native
LayoutUses HTML tags“core components” (View instead of div for example).
StylingCSSStyle objects
X/Y Coordinate PlanesFlex direction: rowFlex direction: column
NavigationURLsRoutes react-navigation


I would follow the React concepts with an example project. This allows the developer to see how a project is structured and how to code within the framework. Tic-Tac-Toe is a great example for a new React developer to give a try to see if they understand the basic concepts.


Debugging in Chrome is extremely useful for things like console logs and other logging that is beneficial for defects. The Style Inspector is another mandatory tool for React that lets you see how styles are applied to different elements. For React Native, the documentation contains useful links to helpful tools.

Project Work

Assign the new React developer low-level bugs or feature enhancements to tackle. Closely monitoring their progress via pair programing has been extremely beneficial in my experience. This provides the opportunity to ask real-time questions to which the experienced developer can offer guidance. This also provides an opportunity to correct any mistakes or bad practices before they become ingrained. Merge requests should be reviewed together before approval to ensure code quality.

In Closing

These tips and tools will give a new React or React Native developer the skills they can develop to contribute to projects. Obviously, the transition to React Native will be a lot smoother for a developer familiar with React, but any developer that is familiar with JavaScript/HTML should be able to pick up both quickly.

Thanks for your time and I wish you the best of luck with onboarding your new developer onto your project!

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Braydn Reynolds

Braydn Reynolds has been developing software for over 14 years, much of which in React and React Native. He has worked in several industries including finance, insurance, retirement, and construction. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife, dog, and cat and in his free time enjoys video games, disc golf, and hiking in nature.

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