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Strategy and Transformation

Z is for ZigZag Strategy

Z Is For Zigzag

Synonyms: Pivot, Different, Unique

From a definition standpoint, when we talk about a ZigZag strategy we are talking about when organizations take a marketing approach that differs from the crowd and competitors and helps you stand out. When everyone is zigging, you are zaggnig.

Why do we care about ZigZag strategy?

We care about zigzag strategy because it often helps you find unique, winning strategies. All marketing tactics or content strategies will eventually lose effectiveness over time so a zigging when others are zagging is a way for you to find the next best thing and keep your marketing fresh. Also, doing something that differs from what is being done or what people expect is a surefire way to catch attention.

How do start zagging when others are zigging?

The key to finding a way to pivot and differentiate from your competitors is to keep an eye on what they are doing. Always keep a pulse on what your competitors are doing, saying, creating, etc. This will allow you to see trends that are

If you want to chat more about zigzag strategies and how to stand out from your competitor, fill out the contact form or you can always message me on LinkedIn or Twitter @sitecorejo

Stay thirsty, friends!

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Jo Troxell, Senior Digital Strategy Consultant

Jo Troxell is a digital and technology analyst who has vast experience in digital strategy and implementation, quality assurance, content management, front and back end development. He drives data-led marketing efforts for his clients. Jo works with clients to help them grow their business as they focus on reaching digital maturity through personalization, A/B testing, analytics to help them grow further, faster.

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