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Video: Custom Commerce Capabilities with a Product Configurator


Businesses with highly-customizable products typically have an ordering process that takes place offline, leading to a long sales cycle. In addition, many consumers want to visualize their custom product before placing an order. That’s why we worked with our client Loom Décor, an eCommerce business in the interior design industry that delivers custom home furnishings and décor, to develop its Visual Product Configurator.

Built with Magento, the program allows shoppers to design products online and see an accurate depiction of what the final product will look like. In addition, the program is equipped with a custom pricing engine that can handle the complex pricing structures to provide users with an adjusted quote as they continue moving through the design process.
To learn more about the Visual Product Configurator and its capabilities, check out my presentation at the Magento Imagine 2019 Innovation Labs Showcase.

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