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Life Sciences

Gartner ITxpo: Top Transformative Tech for Life Sciences


At Gartner IT Expo, Michael Shanler focused on what technologies can transform life sciences. In doing so, he called upon a lot of existing research at Gartner including:

  1. 2018 Hype Cycle for Life Science Research and Development
  2. 2018 Hype Cycle for Life Sciences
  3. 2018 Hype Cycle for Digital Care Delivery
  4. 2018 Hype Cycle for Real time Health Systems Technology
  5. 2018 Hype Cycle for Healthcare Providers
  6. 2018 Hype Cycle for Healthcare Payers
  7. 2018 Hype Cycle for Consumer Engagement with Healthcare

Choice: Are you going to optimize your digitalization or transform the journey?

Digital is the Engine

It’s the engine that powers transformation. Note the process but also how digital still needs to take into account Change, Resources, and Partners.











What Technologies Will Empower Digital Flight?

  1. Digital Mesh
  2. IoT and Sensors
  3. AI Foundations
  4. Event Driven Models
  5. Intelligent Applications and Analytics
  6. Blockchain?

Digital Mesh

You have to start to design for digital mesh. This is like Avionics to an airplane. This is the integration across channels and systems. It’s the foundation for it all and you can’t impact the patient journey without connecting those services.









IoT and Sensors

Sensors bring a large range of capabilities

  • Frictionless monitoring of assets
  • Safety and adherence tools
  • Quality, compliance, monitoring


  • Closed loop diagnosis for treatment
  • Real world data and environments
  • Digital biomarkers to capture disease symptoms

This brings the real and virtual worlds closer together. In addition, you gain access to new business “moments”. You see the transaction like you never could before.

AI Foundations

This is the super-category. Why do you care?

  1. Advanced Analytics predictive capabilities
  2. It will augment your intelligence
  3. You can create algorithms for your business and automate things you couldn’t touch before. Take the information to create or at least suggest new models.

Quote: You need to keep some of this capability in your organization. You can’t just outsource it all.

Back to optimize and transform


  • Personalized Clinical Support
  • Improved adverse events reporting (AER) and efficient reporting
  • Complex clinical imaging and reporting
    • Systems can be trained to look at these images much faster


  • Augment science and drug discovery
  • Predict events and interventions
  • create new health value models
    • What are the new target areas for new drugs you have
  • Create the digital concierge

Event-Driven Models

This is real-time processing. Event driven models are fluid and unstructured. They take a lot of information from different sources and handling them. This is different from the request driven structured process.









  • Intelligently automate the supply chain
  • Drive operational intelligence
  • Develop portfolio decisions


  • Signals for predictive commercial engagement. Can you use this information to create an individual experience, recommendation or therapy?
  • Adaptive robotic processing. Move the supply chain logistics. Remove some of the fear.
  • Enable rapid response to patient safety

Intelligent Applications and Analytics

This is like speaking to your vehicle. It’s a blend of natural language processing and return with good results. You will move beyond human input. Talk to the car and it talks back to you. It links physical and digital lives. It augments analytics with avatars in smart speakers, smart mirrors, etc.

These tools help track and “know” you more intimately


Blockchain works best to develop trust in an untrusted environment.

Quote: It’s about 10 years away until you see it in the mainstream.

It’s sometimes a technology in search of a solution.

Bottom Line

As you scan the horizon for these technologies, understand if it will optimize or transform and prioritize based on your needs.

Quote: Ensure your technology selection addresses your digital ambition


  1. Determine your ambition. Are you going to optimize or transform
  2. Assess the benefits and risks of the technology opportunities
  3. Evaluate the technologies on the horizon that have potential for delivering disruption
  4. Use a consistent methodology in evaluating digital business strategy, change impact, resources, and partners.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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