The marriage of traditional customer communication channels like phone calls and emails with modern, digital channels such as social media, mobile apps, and AI bots has created new opportunities and venues for customers to interact with businesses.
This increase in customer touchpoints can lead to more sales and brand loyalty, but it also gives businesses more opportunities to miss the mark on providing consistent, on-brand customer service experiences. You don’t have to dig far to find examples of organizations failing to provide the optimum level of customer service on Twitter or Facebook.
How can you make sure your business is providing the right message, to the right customer, at the right time, via the right channel?
Organizations are looking to technology to help address the challenge of providing consistent customer service across digital communication channels. Research firm Gartner expects that “through 2019, an ecosystem containing at least four types of product and vendor will be required to build the ideal customer engagement center, the core of which will be an intelligent system for CRM case management.”
In this guide, we’ll explore what these customer engagement centers, or omni-channel contact centers, can do to manage your customer service experience, and why multiple products – tied together with Microsoft Dynamics 365 – can help you deliver the ideal omni-channel contact center.
[Guide] Modernize Your Digital Omni-channel Contact Centers
by Jane Louis on December 7th, 2017 | ~ minute read