How to Install Coveo for Sitecore
I feel like I can follow directions well. But I just can’t seem to make it through the instructions provided by Coveo for installing in Sitecore. So here are my notes for installing Coveo into an existing Sitecore instance.
Step 1: Download Coveo for Sitecore
- Always make sure to have the most recent version of Coveo.
- Always make sure to match to your version of Sitecore.
Step 2: Create an admin user for Coveo on your computer
- Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools
- Open Computer Management
- Go to Local users and groups -> Users
- Right click -> New User
- Name: Coveo
- Full Name: Coveo Search
- Password: search (use something more secure in a production environment)
- Uncheck user much change password at next login & account disabled
- Check user cannot change & password never expires
- Make the user a member of Administrators and Users
Step 3: Install Coveo Enterprise Search
- You cannot run the installer from a network drive
- Let it install any necessary files
- Agree to terms
- Choose typical Installation
- Configure Account for Access
- Use the user account created in step 2
- Do not change config for other options
- Secure access not necessary for a local instance
- Take note if you change the RabbitMQ username:password, you will need these during the sitecore package install
- Allow Firewall Access if prompted
Step 4: Install Coveo Search API
- You cannot run the installer from a network drive
- Check the box for part of a sitecore instance
- Generate a secret key & save to a txt file
Step 5: Make sure Coveo services are running
- View Local Services
- Start all Coveo services
Step 6: Restart IIS
- This may not be necessary. But it makes sure the localhost:8080 and localhost/AdminService are working correctly.
Step 7: Verify Admin Service
- Go to http://localhost/adminservice
- You should get a notice about a creating a service
Step 8: Verify RabbitMQ
- Go to http://localhost:15672 and login
- The default username:password is guest:guest
Step 9: Verify Coveo Search API
- Go to http://localhost:8080
- You should get a message the search page is not configured yet
Step 10: Verify Coveo Admin Tool
- Go to http://localhost:8081
- You should see the coveo admin tool
Step 11: Install Coveo for Sitecore (sitecore package)
- Open Sitecore Desktop -> Developer Tools -> Installation Wizard
- Upload Sitecore package and Install
- Follow wizard prompts
- Coveo is on the same server as the sitecore instance
- Coveo Index Path: c:\CES7 (create this folder if it does not exist)
- Search API Url: http://localhost:8080/
- Application Secret: (the secret key created in step 4)
- Configure RabbitMQ: (leave defaults or enter credentials used in step 3)
- Admin Service URI: http://localhost/AdminService
- Username and Password: (for the coveo admin account created in step 2)
- Sitecore license: Copy and paste your license file contents
- Rename Coveo files /websiteroot/Website/App_Config/Includes/
- Coveo.SearchProvider.config.example to Coveo.SearchProvider.config.
- Coveo.SearchProvider.Rest.config.example to Coveo.SearchProvider.Rest.config.
- Coveo.UI.Controls.config.example to Coveo.UI.Controls.config
- Restart Sitecore client and server.
Step 12: Check Coveo Diagnostics
- Open Sitecore Control Panel -> Coveo Diagnostic Page
- All components should have a green light and message “up and running”
- Coveo Search REST Endpoint can have a red X and an error and the site will still function correctly
Step 13: Index content
- Open the CES Console
- Make sure it says you are connected to localhost/default/52800
- In sitecore -> content editor -> developer tab -> rebuild index
- coveo_master
- coveo_web
- You should see index details scrolling in the CES Console
- The admin service isn’t running
- Restart from local services
- The admin service won’t stay running
- Restart the computer
- Verify you can view http://localhost/adminservice correctly
- If not, there is likely an error with the config and the username password for the Coveo user account
- Reinstall the Coveo for Sitecore package and reenter correct credentials
- Admin Service error – cannot find security provider
- Something in the install process did not go correct.
- Go to http://localhost:8081 and create the provider
- The provider is found by name. The name is shown in the error message. Should be similar to “Sitecore Security Provider for <computername>-<sitename>” (ie
- Go to the configuration tab
- Create a User Identity “Sitecore Admin for <computername>-<sitename>”
- Set sitecore admin username and password (sitecore\admin:b are the defaults)
- Check the box for basic authentication
- Create a security provider “Sitecore Security Provider for <computername>-<sitename>”
- Security Provider Type: Sitecore2
- User Identity: Select the user created above
- Active Directory Security Provider: Active Directory
- Sitecore Server Url: <http://pathtoyourlocalinstance>
- Parameters: Add Parameter TargetSite:website
- RabbitMQ
- Likely the username/password are not correct
- Update the config
- Open Sitecore Control Panel -> Coveo -> Configuration
- Configure Indexing Queue Connection
- Enter the correct URI (The default is ampq://localhost:5682)
- Enter correct username:password
- If you don’t remember the username:password that you used during install, reinstall Coveo Enterprise Search
For full official installation guide, visit
Thanks Eric, pretty sure these detailed steps will help other install Coveo for Sitecore. We’ll also make sure to review our installation doc to make it easier to digest.