One of the keys to a data-driven organization’s success is interoperability of all data systems. Data integration is not only critical for making sound business decisions but it is also the cornerstone to understanding and engaging with consumers.
For healthcare organizations, integrating data is a struggle in itself, but understanding data and turning it into useful and actionable information to improve decision-making and patient outcomes is a great challenge. In most cases, data resides in inflexible, disparate silos inside and outside of the organization, making it impossible to create a holistic and complete view of this information. Extracting data from critical sources including electronic medical records, financial systems, operational data, and external data sources including claims is imperative for population health initiatives, enhancing patient experience and reducing the cost of care.
One way to combine some of this data is through an interface engine that connects legacy systems by using a standard messaging protocol – providing the framework for the exchange, integration, retrieval and sharing of electronic health information. According to Definitive Healthcare, of the 7,257 hospitals in the United States, 4,400 are known to have some type of interface engine. A more complex but comprehensive way to combine this type of data is through the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process. Historically, ETL processes required to obtain this necessary data and place it in a data repository took 12-to-18 months to complete. However, many organizations are leveraging accelerators, reducing ETL time by more than 50%. Healthcare accelerators allow organizations to focus on delivering rapid results by fast-tracking the time-to-value. With healthcare accelerators, data is integrated much quicker so executives can spend less time collecting data and more time making data-driven decisions that positively impact business.
Perficient’s Health Analytics Gateway is a next-generation accelerator that pulls together advanced tools into an intuitive, easy-to-use framework that can help healthcare organizations begin to generate results much more quickly. The standardized data for business intelligence (BI) reporting can be used for ACO measures and to analyze key areas of the business such as readmissions, claims, pharmacy utilization, disease management, and patient safety. Learn more about Perficient’s Health Analytics Gateway.
This is just one of the healthcare analytics trends for 2016. In our new guide, we take a look at ten analytics trends healthcare executives need to be thinking about in 2016 and beyond. We identify technology strategies and solutions that will help healthcare organizations succeed in a data-driven, digital world.