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New Additions to Delve

This post goes one level further in showcasing features within Office 365 which makes day in life more productive (Read the previous post in this series)
In order to get more background on Delve, read my previous articles here
1. Delve
2. Everything about Delve
3. How Delve makes life easier
4. Global Rollout
“Check out your personalized feed of relevant documents. What you see is based on what you and your colleagues are working on. You can easily find colleagues to learn more about them and what they’re working on. Type your name now to see your own page”
This is what it says when you first sign in to Delve. The focus here is around the most important assets for any organization, “People”. Delve is more than just search. It brings over the content and people you have been working with, content and people trending around you, and it does so by learning your behavior over time. I bring here few quick nuggets of information which can help with your everyday work.
Can’t seem to remember the document(s) you’ve been working on or worked on in the past month or so? Go to Delve and select “Me” on the left panel.
Do you miss the organization chart from MySite in the past? Select “Profile” and you see their contact information, organization chart, OneDrive, blog information etc.
Want to find what your coworker is working on? Get to someone’s profile from Delve screen by searching with their name
Note: Security is still very much respected and others won’t see the content if permissions don’t allow. Here is a message on your Delve home screen to confirm
All this is fine but you are a mobile worker and this alone does make the cut for you. Looking for similar experience on mobile devices? Look no further
Note: mobile app only available on android and iPhone
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