I am currently in the middle of the car buying process. The one upgrade that stops me every time is the navigation system. I love the idea of having it integrated into my car, but the $2,000 price tag that often comes with this upgrade seems utterly ridiculous given where we are with technology today.
My mobile phone maps are fantastic and they are updated on a regular basis…for free. The drawback is that the screen is small and it’s not integrated into my dash. I also don’t need wireless service on my tablet because I would only need it occasionally.
Today, AT&T announced a $5 day pass for mobile data service and a $25 prepaid plan for 1GB over three months.
Enter the mini tablet + mobile day pass navigation & entertainment device.
A mini is about the size of an in-dash navigation system. When going on vacation or taking a road-trip, you will be able to pay $5 a day to use mobile on your tablet. The mini will become your navigation device. You will still need to determine a way to mount it on the dash, but I’m sure that solution is coming. Cars in the future may not even include electronic devices, but have a space for you to place your own device.
The mini navi/ent device can be used for maps for mom and dad or streaming Netflix for the kids. It’s the ultimate travel device at a very, very affordable price.
What do you think? Would you participate in the AT&T Day Pass?