In the healthcare technology space, we are all working toward the same general end goals of improving patient care while lowering costs. Healthcare organizations are all looking for ways to more broadly use technology that not only focuses on each encounter, but looks beyond that toward the continuum of care for the individual and the population.
At Perficient, our thought leaders and strategic consultants are responding to these demands by putting together solutions that will arm providers with the clinical and financial analytical data they need in order to:
Share information across and between organizations and care providers
- Derive key insights from that data
- Deliver on best practices in care quality based upon insights from that data
- Meaningfully measure their own performance along the spectrum of quality of care
- Analyze, benchmark, and understand what that performance means, and where opportunities exist
- Stay on top of shifts in regulatory policy
- and much more…
Today, we are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Premier Healthcare Alliance to develop data collection and reporting applications on their PremierConnect platform, which is the largest integrated technology and social business platform in healthcare.
Dr. Marcie Stoshak-Chavez, MD, FACEP, and Perficient’s director of Healthcare says,
“As a physician, we’re under constant pressure to improve care across the continuum while controlling costs, raising productivity and engaging patients. These applications will allow us to address these challenges directly at the point of care.”
Keith J. Figlioli, senior vice president, healthcare informatics at Premier, says,
“We’ve built a platform that promotes collaboration among doctors, nurses and administrators. It supports their diverse requirements while enabling them to create communities of interest around shared performance improvement objectives.”
We are excited about this partnership because we are committed to the cause. Our healthcare and business intelligence team consists of experts in creating clinical, operational and financial business intelligence applications. Developing compelling intellectual property assets for the healthcare industry is right in line with that, and with the overall end goal that we share with Premier: to “enable our members to accelerate their ability to deliver higher quality, lower cost of care to the communities that they serve .”
Learn more about Perficient’s partnership with Premier healthcare alliance in the full news release here.
Contact us if you’d like to speak with one of our healthcare experts about this opportunity to improve clinical and financial data insights within your organization.