When using the Quest Migrator tool to migrate a client from Lotus Notes to SharePoint Online/Office 365, you are provided with a very straight-forward interface to migrate DB’s and applications to the new SharePoint environment. However, when trying to keep consistency between environments checks and modifications are needed to ensure the items are correctly migrated. One such trick is to migrate already populated fields to the new SharePoint environment.
If your basic job is setup correctly, start by selecting the database you wish to migrate and open its properties. Select the “Migration Jobs” tab, select the job you wish to modify and choose to “Edit” it.
Next, move on to the “SharePoint” tab and choose to “Edit” the Target Data Definition.
Finally, click over to the “Data Fields” and select the field that you want to edit. Now you are given options to migrate over the values from the drop-down menu. By choosing the “Target Type” to “Choice” the SharePoint list is now setup to inherit drop-down menus. By selecting to allow “Multiple Values” and “Add Missing Choices” your drop-down menu will now migrate over correctly, along with all of the choices/values that were previously set up in the Notes environment.
Using this navigation you can change the content types of your fields to successfully migrate all of the Lotus Notes data successfully into your new create SharePoint environment. Using the full functionality of this Quest software helps to customize migration jobs and help to provide your clients with a more-seamless migration and a smaller learning curve.
If your basic job is setup correctly, start by selecting the database you wish to migrate and open its properties. Select the “Migration Jobs” tab, select the job you wish to modify and choose to “Edit” it.
Next, move on to the “SharePoint” tab and choose to “Edit” the Target Data Definition.
Finally, click over to the “Data Fields” and select the field that you want to edit. Now you are given options to migrate over the values from the drop-down menu. By choosing the “Target Type” to “Choice” the SharePoint list is now setup to inherit drop-down menus. By selecting to allow “Multiple Values” and “Add Missing Choices” your drop-down menu will now migrate over correctly, along with all of the choices/values that were previously set up in the Notes environment.
Using this navigation you can change the content types of your fields to successfully migrate all of the Lotus Notes data successfully into your new create SharePoint environment. Using the full functionality of this Quest software helps to customize migration jobs and help to provide your clients with a more-seamless migration and a smaller learning curve.