Building ESB Capability Java EE -vs- Configuring a Datapower SOA Appliance Implementing a Java network infrastructure solution versus network appliance configuration It’s not unusual for a seasoned Java implementer, when exposed to an IBM Datapower appliance for the first time to question the technological advantage of a configurable network device. I feel this question is […]
Posts Tagged ‘XML’
3 Options for Migrating Safety and Pharmacovigilance Systems
Deciding “if, when or how” to move from one safety application to another can be a daunting task full of angst, pressure and fear of the unknown. Arguably, most of this distress is experienced in the initial analysis of the migration options and sifting through the solutions available to an organization. This blog entry will attempt […]
Datapower XI 52 and XC 10 Integration:Encode/decode the cache key
From our previous blog post we have seen how easy it is to setup a seamless integration between the XI 52 and XC 10. In this blog post, we dive into a little more detail of the seamless integration by understanding how datapower encodes and decodes the cache key. Datapower XI 52 uses the URL […]
GSA UI: Should I use the on-board XSLT engine?
Out of the Box The Google Search Appliance ships with a full-function — but no thrills — XSL template (XSLT) that we refer to as the ‘out of the box’ user interface. It looks a little bit like did a few years ago – lots of blue and white, and very few graphics. But […]
DataPower XC 10 seamless integration with DataPower XI 52
The need for cache is inevitable in the world of enterprise-level applications. There are boundless use cases with different combinations ranging from the data type specific cache to application specific cache. We have seen a wide variety of caching technology realizations from emerging technologies like Redis (in reality, it is more than a cache) to […]
JMeter Testing for a Datapower ESB Implementation – Part 1
Introduction When considering testing a Datapower implementation the first tool that is generally mentioned SoapUI. While this is a good tool for a particular aspect of testing, you may need to expand your testing capabilities to include a broader set of concerns. In this blog I’d like to consider an architectural scenario in which I […]
Simplify Development = Embrace Patterns
I’m a BIG believer in two things: a) work smarter, not harder; 2) keep things simple — avoid complexity. Complex leads to complicated, complicated leads to misunderstanding, misunderstanding leads to chaos. Nonetheless, my guidelines seem easy enough, right? Well, good news then, they are simple and easy to apply in just about anything we face day […]
eXtreme Scale
Just for curiosity’s sake and this blog, I looked up the definition of ‘cache’ [as used in computer science]. Most sources define it as “…a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster “. The part about served faster reminded me of an old adage. It goes like this. […]
IIBv9 – Introduction
Peers, it is time to embrace IBM’s Integration Bus v9 aka IIBv9. Many of us are comfortable developing solutions using WebSphere Message Broker [WMB] version 6, 7 and 8. To date, all the projects I’ve worked on at Perficient, clients still used WMB 6/7. However, IBM recently re-branded WMB as Integration Bus. Much of the […]
Handling Multiple Inputs/Outputs in WTX & DataPower
A WTX map with single input and single output can be configured by adding a Transform Binary Action straight forward in DataPower. But when WTX map has multiple inputs and outputs, Transform Binary Action configurations will be complex. This article will give an overview of how to address this issue. What do we cover in […]
Message Broker’s ASBITSTREAM function
I recently had a unique integration requirement where an external service provider was expecting XML within the SOAP request. One automatically thinks CDATA but in this case the endpoint required the XML to be escaped within a SOAP request. <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=”” xmlns:ns1=””> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:CreateRequest> <ns1:Name>XML_Data</ns1:Name> <ns1:Value><order> <ns1:Attributes> <ns1:Name>Transaction_ID</ns1:Name><ns1:Value>Transaction_ID goes here</ns1:Value> </ns1:Attributes> </order> </ns1:Value> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> […]
IBM SPSS Split File
You can use the IBM SPSS Split File feature to split your data pond into separate groups for further analysis –based on the values of one or more grouping variables. If you select multiple grouping variables, cases are grouped by each variable within categories of the preceding variable on the Groups Based On list. For […]