I have been fortunate to attend this year’s Anglebrackets conference in Las Vegas. (See my coverage of Day 1 here and Day 2 here.) The following are my notes from the Day 3 keynote, “Conversations with Microsoft.” The speaker: Steve Guggenheimer, corporate VP and chief evangelist. A lot of changes at Microsoft over last year. New CEO, Satya […]
Posts Tagged ‘web development’
.NET 2015 is coming! And then some
Yesterday in New York at Microsoft’s Connect(), a virtual event for developers focused on current and future technologies, Microsoft did what a lot of us in the developer community have been waiting for and [finally] announced that the next .NET release is coming! But wait, as the late night TV pitchman says, there’s more. There […]
Anglebrackets Conference – Day 1 Keynote
I’m lucky to be able to attend this year’s Anglebrackets conference in Las Vegas and I’ll try to cover the conference in this Perficient blog as much as I can. Today was the opening day of the conference, which actually consisted only of the opening keynote. The speaker was Scott Guthrie, Executive VP of Cloud […]
Microsoft Azure updates for October
Every month Microsoft is releasing new Azure services and promoting other services from preview state to general availability. In October this year a few news services were released and a few graduated to general availability. – Azure Automation is now generally available. Azure Automation is essentially a PowerShell scripting in the cloud. Microsoft was recommending […]
How Microsoft is embracing open source
When I recently researched different caching options in Microsoft Azure, I ran across the following article on MSDN: Which Azure Cache offering is right for me? This article almost shocked me because it was unapologetically advising all new developments to use Redis cache over other Microsoft-developed Azure caching services. Just think about that for a moment: Microsoft […]
Bing Your Way To Success – Tips Every Programmer Should Live By
When I was in school, I remember studying learning styles – “series of theories suggesting systematic differences in individuals’ natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations.” I was the always the Converger, very hands-on, figuring out things for myself, testing theories. For me, this started at an early age. I can remember being one […]
Declarative data caching in .NET business layer
One of the most effective ways to improve application performance is to implement data caching. Most of the applications are relatively retrieving the same data from external sources like database of web service and if that source data is never or seldom changes then application is just wasting CPU time and I/O querying the source […]
Strengthen Company Culture with Yammer enhanced by HDInsight
In a world of broadband internet connections, online collaboration tools and the ability to work from almost anywhere – office culture can be difficult to sustain. This especially holds true for people who live in large cities (where the commute can be problematic) or in harsh climates (like the never ending winter in Chicago this […]
Windows Azure: Retiring Windows Server 2008 and how to upgrade
Beginning on June 2, 2014 Windows Azure will be retiring Windows Server 2008. This means that you will no longer be able to deploy a new Cloud Service or manage your existing services on virtual machines running Windows Server 2008. Windows Azure currently supports four different GuestOS ‘versions’: GuestOS 1.x – Windows Server 2008 GuestOS […]
SPC 2014: SharePoint for Any Screen Size, a Responsive Approach
Eric Overfield (@ericoverfield) and Rita Zhang gave an informative session. It was chock full of examples and example code. I couldn’t grab the code examples but a lot of the best practices and screenshots from live sites I was able to grab. They started with the three pillars of Responsive Design: Fluid Grid Must use a […]
ASP.net Cascading Dropdownbox and Jquery
Background: A few days back as part of my .Net learning effort I had to deliver a task that depicts the below screen When the end-user types the username, the application should validate the username from the database and display his / her training details in the dropdown box named TopicNames and LevelName. The application then […]
Windows Azure: How to create a streaming media service (GUI)
In my previous post I discussed how Microsoft and NBC were streaming every single event live and on demand at the Sochi Olympic Games. Azure makes publishing and streaming videos easier than ever before. This post will walk you through creating a media service, uploading content (video or audio), encoding it and publishing it for […]