The emerging use of infinite scrolling in 2012 is something you’re probably familiar with, but may not realize it yet. Think of searching for an image on Google images. Or how about search results on Pinterest, Lookbook, Polyvore or Udemy. You’ll find it more common in “search results” type applications, but there doesn’t seem to […]
Posts Tagged ‘UX’
Disney Parks Enhance the Customer Experience With Tech Bracelets
I grew up in what you might call “a Disney family”. What this means is as a child growing up we always looked forward to our annual road trip from chilly Wisconsin to sunny Florida. We enjoyed the palm trees, cheesy shell shops, orange juice stands and “Meeting the Mouse”. Watching Disney movies and relating […]
Good UX Design is Not a Buffet of Choices
A recent frustration I’ve been feeling can be summed up very nicely by a quote from UX designer Leisa Reichelt—“Don’t design for everyone. It’s impossible. All you end up doing is designing something that makes everyone unhappy.” It’s been a recurring request on the last few projects I’ve been involved with. Somewhere along the way […]
Interactive Examples using HTML5
Form Follows Function has put out a growing set of interactive examples using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. What you’ll find there is some really interesting interaction and occasionally seizure-inducing animation. Are all of the examples practical? No, but that’s not the point. What is being shown off here is that with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, you […]
Why Your Developers Aren’t Following Your Brand Standards
To be frank, your developers aren’t following your brand standards and style guides for the same reason I eat healthier when the apples are pre-sliced in the fridge… Busy days, tight deadlines… a quick look at what needs to get done and off we go ticking away at our tasks with the little time we […]
The Secrets of Design Thinking for Enterprise Mobile Apps
According to IDEO, “Design Thinking is a about believing we can make a difference, and having an intentional process in order to get to new relevant solutions that create positive impact.” It is also described as being human-centered, collaborative, optimistic and experimental. IDEO follows an open-source process to implement Design Thinking by dividing it into the […]
Customer Perspective: Some Do Prefer Blondes
For years, Starbucks has served only dark roast coffee drinks, implying that the dark roast was a better roast and appealed to everybody. I’ve previously written about a very interesting TED talk where Malcolm Gladwell discusses the trend toward understanding customer preferences instead of relying on one absolute “best” product. Gladwell actually mentions coffee at about the […]
Custom maps with MapBox
A couple of years ago I was working on a small project where the client wanted to visualize data from their field operations on a map. Nothing overly complex – just locations, custom icons, radius of operation for that location, etc. Easy, I thought. We’ll use a system like Google Maps. Except the client wanted […]
Responsive Web Design and the Hype Cycle
We’ve all been there: A new technology emerges (cough Responsive Web Design cough), all shiny and spiffy. We get excited about it – tweet and blog our way around it for months – until our excitement and the sheer saturation from the community spills out into the wider business community. And at a certain point, […]
Front-end Developers are UX Designers too
A little while back I wrote this nugget of wisdom: Creating a great user experience extends beyond the research, beyond the wireframes, and even beyond the visual design. All that hard work is ultimately for nothing if your website or web application isn’t fast. Why? Because if your site doesn’t load quickly, your users will […]
The Worst Ideas of CES 2013
Every time I work with or read an article from a thought leader in Perficient’s Experience Design practice I always learn something new about designing solutions for and around users whether it be a web portal, mobile site or innovative hardware solution. This really makes me scratch my head and say “What were they thinking?” […]
What Exactly IS User Experience Design?
It’s something many folks in my profession struggle with—explaining to other people exactly what we do. When people I don’t really know (like my father’s poker buddy, my tailor, the lady making polite chit-chat while she bags my groceries…) ask me what I do, I respond, “I help build websites.” It’s simple. People understand it. […]