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Posts Tagged ‘social business’

IBM is Enterprise Social Software Market Share Leader Again

IBM announced that it is once again the market share leader in Enterprise Social Software according to IDC.  This marks the fifth year in a row that IBM has maintained the market share leader position.  According to IBM, “Tens of millions of users today rely on IBM’s Social Business software…”, IBM Connections. IBM has spent a […]

Yammer External Networks – Your Extranet Made Social

After meeting them at SharePoint Conference 2014, I recently accepted an invitation from ViewDo Labs to publish the occasional musing on their enterprise social blog. ViewDo is a company formed by the former Axceler braintrust to focus on enterprise social analytics, and they have a great and growing product already out there for Yammer. This […]

SharePoint or Office 365 – OneDrive for Business fits All

SkyDrive or OneDrive, SharePoint, Yammer, lync – where to start? what to install for users? Which to use when? Many of us go through these questions when facing customers or when looking to provide the best service to our internal users. So much information is flowing around the web but its always tough to assimilate in one place […]

Office 365 – What’s the Best Plan?

Didn’t you always wonder which plan to pick in the O365 family? So many different SKU’s providing distinct features, storage capabilities, tools, etc. I know while talking to customers one of the initial and biggest question has been around which plan is perfect for them and can they downgrade or upgrade from there. Looks like Microsoft […]

The Ideal Length of every Tweet, Facebook Post and Headline

I think every writer at one time or another has thought about how long is too long for a post, tweet or headline. As I typed my headline into WordPress, it was kind enough to tell me that my headline is 59 of 65 characters. I never understood if WordPress thought 65 was the max […]

Webinar: Yammer External Networks – Engaging Customers & Partners

These days, there’s much talk about Yammer, and for good reason. Microsoft acquired Yammer in 2012, and since that time, it has become the company’s direction for enterprise social, now integrating with SharePoint Online. While Yammer has clearly distinguished itself as an enterprise social network within organizations, its potential for engaging those outside company walls […]

Compelling Case for Office 365

Everyone has an opinion on “Cloud’ and its effect on the business, for some it’s scary in terms of data security and for some it’s revenue generation and cost savings. There are a number of reasons why cloud computing is so widely used among businesses today. Some of them include Reduction of costs – lower […]

Adobe Summit: Understanding customer insight without getting creepy

In a different session one of the speakers said there is a fine line between understanding customer sentiment and being creepy. To get insight, you have to monitor what they say, what the do on your site and others’. But you don’t want to go too far and cross that creepy line. In this session […]

Adobe Summit: Building a social listening program with Adobe Social

I made it to Adobe Summit 2014 and my first session is How to build a social program using Adobe Social. This is a technical session presented by Carmen Sutter, Adobe’s Product Manager for Adobe Social and Greg Greenstreet VP Engineering at Gnip. 550 million tweets were sent in one day. Yet, there is almost […]

Strengthen Company Culture with Yammer enhanced by HDInsight

In a world of broadband internet connections, online collaboration tools and the ability to work from almost anywhere – office culture can be difficult to sustain.  This especially holds true for people who live in large cities (where the commute can be problematic) or in harsh climates (like the never ending winter in Chicago this […]

When to use OneDrive for Business vs. Team Sites

Now that Microsoft has allotted 25 GB per user of storage in OneDrive for Business, an interesting question has arose – “When should I use OneDrive vs. a Team Site?” This is an important question that might not arise if there wasn’t so much space available per user. And with on premise deployments, you’re probably not […]

Microsoft’s Roadmap for Social: Detailed Analysis from SPC14

“Work like a network.”  Spend just a few minutes at SharePoint Conference 2014 and you’re bound to hear or see this phrase sooner than later. It’s here in the keynote and it’s here in the signage.  It’s here on the lips of the Yammer and Social product marketing people I had the good fortune to […]

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