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Posts Tagged ‘SCORE’

A Day in the Life: Nenad Nicevski Shares His Optimizely Expertise

Through Perficient’s wide range of capabilities and expertise, we bring a strategic mindset, innovative ideas, and a practical approach to help our clients and partners succeed. With several years of thought leadership spanning technologies and time zones, Nenad Nicevski, senior technical consultant, shares his Perficient experience and how he built strong relationships within our Sitecore […]

Business People Negotiating A Contract.

Overriding TinyMCE’s Default Alt Text Validation in Optimizely

Adding Alt Text to your Images in Optimizely When developing a site using Optimizely, it is important to keep accessibility in mind. A common solution that I’ve found helpful is to extend the ImageData class from EpiServer.Core and add a property for Alt Text. This concept is demonstrated in the Alloy Project and has been […]


Sitecore Branch Templates for Content Authors

Branch Templates have been around in Sitecore for several versions (officially called Branch Templates since Sitecore 6, I believe). And even looking at Sitecore Branch Template documentation, you will notice that it is specifically set under the Developer section. However, in my experience and once development creates the page template, a content author is completely […]


Restricting available types based on site context in Episerver

Valdis Iljuconoks previously helped me understand how to effectively implement AllowedTypes restrictions with interfaces, something like  [AllowedTypes(typeof(INestedContent))]– which is a beautiful solution for building a block library. This makes our blocks and their Content Areas only concern themselves with specific interfaces. In our case, we usually have layers such as IPageContent (for stripes, grid structures, […]


How to enable Webpack on your Episerver Project

If you’re building modern web applications, you need to carefully consider the front-end technology stack you use. Webpack, a static module bundler, combined with NPM for package management, is a great starting point. Here’s how you can incorporate these technologies into your MVC application built upon Episerver. Alongside Node.js, we need to have node-sass […]

Episerver connecting puzzle pieces

Page Restrictions in an Initialization Module

Managing your AllowedTypes (insert options) in Episerver can become overwhelming, depending on the strategy you take. You can read about different options here: but there is a strategy you can take for a very developer-friendly approach. As highlighted on Epi World forum thread (Dylan McCurry and I worked together on the project where […]

Branch Template Hero Image

The importance of “Branch Templates” within Episerver

In modern day CMS systems we rarely create pages that have fixed layouts with zero flexibility.  Often times we give the marketing team the power to define experiences by placing a number of configurable components on the page in the layout that they see fit.  This is empowering, but can also be intimidating if you’re […]

Hands typing at keyboard

Episerver and Alternate Text for Images in the TinyMCE Rich Text Editor

Last week I received a nasty bug report regarding Accessibility and Episerver.  Within Rich Text areas in Episerver, the file name is injected by default for alternate text.  This hurts your accessibility score and is a detrimental impact to visually impaired users.  Coincidentally, others in the community have written about and questioned how to solve […]

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Responsive Image Cropping for Episerver is Here!

SCORE for Episerver – New Image Crop Tool Responsive Web Design (RWD) offers a cost-effective, high quality and easily managed delivery of content to a variety of devices. Many teams build sites in RWD by using custom or popular responsive frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap or Foundation Zurb. But how can we combine the responsive design […]


How to Personalize a Carousel in Sitecore with SCORE

Just for fun, let’s take a few common scenarios for content management teams, and run through how to add personalization to Sitecore with SCORE.  You’ll be shocked at how easy this is – why more companies don’t jump in and start personalizing their content and user experience is a mystery to me. Scenario #1 – […]

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Announcing SCORE for Optimizely Content Cloud!

A Perfect Pairing After more than 10 years as the premier accelerator on the market, we are excited to announce the addition of Episerver/Optimizely to our suite of platforms supported by our patented SCORE™ approach.  SCORE is our unique enablement approach to CMS that represents all the principles on how to deliver CMS effectively. These […]

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Guide: Trigger CCF messages from elements in Content Spots

Score’s CCF (Component Communication Framework) allows Content Authors to use rendering parameters to easily control how components communicate with each other. For example, we can set the Button component to fire a CCF message when it is clicked.   But what if the button is inside a Content Spot? Can it still send and receive […]

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