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Posts Tagged ‘Retail’

Retail’s BIG Show in 2015!

            NRF is the world’s leading retail trade association that provides membership for retailers, service providers and educational institutions.  The NRF provides retail industry news, a network of communities to exchange information such as top trends and practices, tools and research to assist in making informed business decisions and much […]

What 2015 Will Look Like For Connected Consumers

Today’s consumers are now empowered with an ever increasing range of channels and devices creating a dynamic path to purchase which has created a shift in the consumer markets industry.  The digital, social and mobile evolutions are shape-shifting almost every aspect of the customer experience and, in the process, creating new opportunities and challenges for […]

How webrooming can be a good thing for the brick and mortar store this holiday season

We are in the thick of the holiday shopping season, one that is shorter than average with only 28 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It has seemed to many that the brick-and-mortar store is somewhat of a dying breed with the expanse of the digital age.  A few years ago, physical stores were very concerned […]

Have Questions? The Consumer Markets experts have answers…

In our most recent webinar, Driving Store Traffic in a Digital Age, we executed a Q&A session with some very interesting questions posed to our speakers.  Here are a sample of them below: Consumers increasingly may lack the tolerance for all messages and offers that they receive – at least the ones they have been seeing […]

Personalization is key to consumer engagement

The greatest thing about the Consumer Market’s industry is that we all have some level of understanding due to the fact that we are consumers.  Whether you are utilizing your smart phone, home computer, work computer, iPad or tablet you can connect and engage with brands no matter your location – the “always on” consumer. […]

Omni-channel: Successful Strategy for Retail

In our most recent webinar, we discussed the sustainability of the brick-and-mortar store.  What we found out is that stores are not going anywhere fast and the digital channel, if anything, can only help increase in-store foot traffic.  There is definitely an increasing demand for the digital experience as technology expands and capabilities grow but despite […]

Digital Impacts the brick-and-mortar store

The Consumer Markets Practice executed a webinar this week that focused on how to drive store traffic in an age where digital has become such a prominent channel.  We’ve been saturated with nearly 20 years of excitement the internet of things – e-business, web, mobile, social. There have been fantastic breakthroughs and stunning failures driving […]

How the Connected Consumer Has Changed the Game for the Consumer Markets Industry

Connected Consumers use the power of information to drive prices down, yet demand a very high level of service.  Whether it is utilization of a smart phone, home computer, work computer, iPad or tablet one can connect and engage with brands no matter your location – dubbing the consumer as the “always on” or “connected” […]

The New 3-Legged Stool of Success in Retail

I came across a great article in 1-to-1 Media regarding 3 critical elements of the customer experience that enable retail organizations to position themselves ahead of the competition. We remember the days of talking about the 3 must-haves in retail as: Buy Move Sell But in the article titled “The Three-Legged Stool of Retail,” Timothy Hood presents three […]

Consumer Corner with Jim & Michael

Jim: Michael, how was your vacation? Michael: Ended too fast, too fast. We had a wonderful time in Freedom, NH, but freedom is now over. The days are getting shorter, the barbecues are wrapping up, and I even spotted a school bus this morning. Jim: Only 127 day until Christmas. Michael: And only 100 days until […]

Top 5 Digital Trends for Back-to-School Season in Retail

I came across NRF’s infographic on the Top 2014 Back-to-School and College Trends. Let’s break this down and look at how the new “connected consumer” era of retail is impacting shopping trends through digital and technology channels. Here are 5 top digital trends from the survey: 44% will purchase items online, up from 37% last […]

World Cup smashes social media records!

If brands and retailers were not regretting jumping on the social conversation bandwagon during the World Cup, they are now.  A month ago, the World Cup sparked the largest social conversation the world has seen.  And now that it has come to an end, it has not only produced the top team in the world […]

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