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Posts Tagged ‘open source’

Perficient Announces New ECM Partnership with Alfresco

In May, Perficient formalized a partnership with Alfresco to expand our capabilities in the Enterprise Content Intelligence space. Alfresco provides modern enterprise content management (ECM) and business process management (BPM) software that enables organizations to unlock the power of their business-critical content. Based in San Mateo, CA, Alfresco provides ECM and BPM solutions with controls […]

Sitecore Developers: Start! Your! Ignition!

So, besides an excuse to use the old reliable “Start your engines!” trope, what is Ignition? Ignition is an open source development accelerator designed by the team at Perficient and released to the Sitecore community as a quick-start tool for beginning Sitecore projects. It has two primary components: the Sitecore Information Architecture piece and the .NET […]

New IBM platform gives businesses a better view of the cloud

Thanks to IBM’s creation of a code storehouse to encourage collaboration, Big Blue has provided a big boost to open-source development in the cloud. The company’s new DeveloperWorks Open platform opens a door to open-sourcers who have wanted better access to IBM’s expertise and techniques in cloud and mobile technologies. The platform launched with about […]

Spark Gathers More Momentum

Yesterday, IBM threw its weight behind Spark. This announcement is significant because it is a leading indicator of a transition from IT-focused Big Data efforts to business-driven analytics and Big Data investments. If you are interested in learning more about this announcement and what it means in the bigger picture, I wrote a blog entry on our […]

Liferay Announcements that give you a Mobile Jump Start

I am always intrigued by technology implementations that accelerate my ability to create robust solutions, especially when they are well architected, proven to scale, and economical.  There are a couple of recent announcements from Liferay that I feel fit this description and are worth looking into:  Liferay Screens 1.0 This exciting new offering further strengthens […]

Financial Insights Into Costs For New Digital Applications

When I initially wrote my blog “Making Financial Sense of PaaS” it was to crowdsource my estimates comparing building and operating a new mobile application for a year using various platform architectures. The platform choices ranged from n-tier on-premise using licensed software to using a hosted PaaS. The blog resulted in some excellent conversation and […]

How Microsoft is embracing open source

When I recently researched different caching options in Microsoft Azure, I ran across the following article on MSDN: Which Azure Cache offering is right for me? This article almost shocked me because it was unapologetically advising all new developments to use Redis cache over other Microsoft-developed Azure caching services. Just think about that for a moment: Microsoft […]

Jaspersoft and MongoDB on Windows Azure

Jaspersoft is an open-source business intelligence suite built on Java. Jaspersoft put together a video of using MongoDb with it’s suite on Windows Azure. MongoDB is a NoSQL based system, which stores data like JSON.  I found an article about this on MS Open Tech’s site. I just wanted to share it here to let […]

Is Windows Azure Open?

I cam across an article on InformationWeek “Microsoft Azure Grows More Open.” From what I know and the people I talk to, I truly believe Microsoft has been opening up over the last several years, especially for developers. The rate tools and frameworks are built and supported by Visual Studio is one key sign of […]

Windows Azure now supports Juju for Ubuntu

Canonical working with Microsoft announced today (9/17/2013) the Juju fully supports deploying service on Ubuntu into Windows Azure. Juju provides an intuitive GUI for designing and deploying applications into Windows Azure. From today’s news release which can be read here Latest Ubuntu Certified images for all supported Ubuntu releases are currently available on Windows Azure, […]

Considering Open Source Options for Your Portal Solution?

Potential WebSphere Portal customers often consider whether they should leverage an open source technology or purchase a leading horrizontal portal product such as WebSphere Portal.  The 2013 IBM Exceptional Web Experience Conference had a session titled “Considering Open Source Options for Your Exceptional Web Experience Solution?: Explore TCO and How Free” delivered by Robert Lezon, […]

IBM Support Open Stack

I’ve started to hear more and more about Open Stack.  It was originally developed by Rackspace and then pushed into a standard at  From CRN we see that IBM is launching into support for OpenStack IBM (NYSE:IBM) embraces OpenStack, the open-source standard used for building cloud-computing stacks, but believes a key piece of its […]

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