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Posts Tagged ‘Mobile Solutions BU’

2021 mobile trends

The Great Mobile Ecosystem Awakening: Looking Back on 2021’s Top Mobile Trends

Mobile Apps are entering a stage of maturity to the point of ubiquity. A comprehensive approach is needed to meet the rapid shifts in consumer behaviors and the underlying technology that drives these experiences. As the mobile ecosystem matures and new capabilities emerge, user expectations have never been higher. Let’s recap the past year in […]

Not All Texts Are Created Equal

Perficient Mobile Solutions Colleagues Quoted in Forrester Report

Creating a seamless, intuitive digital experience across all devices is vital to attracting and retaining users in the increasingly competitive modern application landscape. In All In This Together: Make The Right Call When Deciding To Integrate Mobile And Web Development, Forrester examines “what’s possible today on the mobile web — and what isn’t.” According to […]

The Need for Speed: A Product Approach for Mobile Apps

A global pandemic requires a quick response and accelerates digital transformation. The brands that can operate with speed and agility win in this environment. As consumers rely on their mobile devices now more than ever, mobile device and mobile app usage are surging.  eMarketer predicted US adults spent over three and a half hours per day on mobile apps this […]

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