Well that time is upon us once again! Microsoft Ignite runs from 9/23-9/28 and this year they have a whopping 49+ sessions just dedicated to Microsoft Teams! With that said, I’ll be breaking down which relevant sessions cater to specific roles and requirements as well as discuss the “Learning Paths” recommendations and how they work. […]
Posts Tagged ‘Microsoft Teams’
Collaboration vs Communication
I recently read a very short article on CMO.com regarding “Collaboration vs Communication and Why It Matters.” The article makes some good points but could expound on the topic overall. Let me give you my take on this. We see a lot of companies today attempting to redo their intranet, development processes, etc. Almost without […]
Running Microsoft Teams in a Virtual Environment
Nowadays security and compliance are at the forefront of many companies concerns. For organizations with these issues they typically look to virtualize some of their environment. To cater to those needs, Microsoft has recently made VDI available for Microsoft Teams. In this article I will be discussing some of the key features, limitations, and offerings […]
Skype for Business Server 2019 Preview
Over the past few months Microsoft has been pushing Teams, Teams, and more Teams. However, today Microsoft has given some love to Skype for Business Server 2019 by releasing it for preview. In this article I’ll be discussing what’s new in Skype for Business Server 2019 as well as what has been deprecated in this […]
Introducing a Free Version of Microsoft Teams
Last week, Microsoft made a huge announcement… That’s right! There is now a FREE version of Microsoft Teams! In today’s article I’ll be discussing what the free version of Microsoft Teams has to offer and also what will cost you extra if you plan on upgrading to the full version. As of July 12, Microsoft […]
Live Events in Microsoft Teams
Have you ever heard the song, “Anything you can do” by Irving Berlin? Well this song is a very accurate representation of Skype for Business and Teams. With the latest addition to the Teams stack comes live events, which is basically a new and improved version of Skype for Business Meeting Broadcast. In this article […]
Journey from SFB to Teams: Part 3 – Coexistence and Upgrade Modes
One of the best ways to transition users over to Microsoft Teams is by enabling users to use Teams alongside Skype for Business. You will notice throughout this article that both Teams and Skype for Business have several functions that overlap. With that said, it is very important to review the different upgrade modes to […]
Journey from Skype for Business to Teams: Part 2 – Pilot
Welcome back! Last time we talked about the first phase in your journey to Microsoft Teams from Skype for Business. This included optimizing and assessing your environment prior to implementing Teams. In this blog article we will discuss the second phase of your journey, which includes piloting Microsoft Teams alongside Skype for Business. The pilot […]
Journey from Skype for Business to Teams: Part 1 – Optimization
As Walt Disney once said, “times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim focused on the future”. This applies to all aspects of change, especially in the technology world. That said, Microsoft has shifted gears over the past year to pursue a new hub for teamwork called Microsoft Teams. In this […]
What’s New in Microsoft Teams – July 2018
Last month was loaded with some exciting news for the Microsoft Teams community. In this article I’ll be discussing all of the latest updates to Microsoft Teams for the month of June 2018. Direct Routing in Microsoft Teams released for GA That’s right, it’s here! Direct Routing has been released for general availability (GA). Direct […]
Microsoft Teams eDiscovery for Calling/Meetings
Customers have asked for it, and Microsoft has delivered! Microsoft just announced the launch of eDiscovery for calling/meetings. This latest update helps customers progress towards the Skype to Teams convergence roadmap. As a compliance admin whom are used to eDiscovery searches for Microsoft Teams messages and files, you will now be able to search and […]
Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams is now Generally Available!
Well, I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but my recent series on “Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams Deep Dive” was impeccably timed 🙂 . Microsoft recently announced Direct Routing for Microsoft Teams GA (General Availability)! If you’re not familiar with Direct Routing, basically it allows you to choose your telecom provider to enable […]