Next week, we will have the opportunity to sit down with Apollo Endosurgery, the makers of LAP-BAND, for a “fireside chat” session on their use of Salesforce to run various aspects of their business.
Posts Tagged ‘medical device’
Longing For That One Perfect Health-Monitoring Device
I recently watched a segment on Bloomberg about Scanadu Scout, a little white scanner that you place on your forehead (makes me think of the Vicks forehead thermometer I use for my kids) to obtain a bunch of vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and SpO2 (oxygen saturation). Sounds really neat […]
Search. Open. Close. Open. Close. Save Me, Google Search!
If you look at the numbers, it’s evident that Google is the leader when it comes to web search. There’s no contest. So, it should be no surprise they also happen to be the champion of enterprise search, enabling companies to quickly and accurately scour their multitude of databases all at once across the […]
21 CFR Part 11 Decoded: One Final Look
This is the final post on the series dedicated to decoding the mystical “21 CFR Part 11” regulation that governs IT systems in the life sciences industry. How does it feel to have made it all the way through? I hope that, by now, you’re feeling much more comfortable with the purpose, organization, and […]
Site Monitors, Siebel CTMS Can Help You Find Your Zen
I’m sure you’re aware that having a clinical trial management system (CTMS) streamlines and simplifies the running of clinical trials, and that Oracle’s Siebel Clinical (Siebel CTMS) is the industry leader. But, as a Site Monitor, do you know exactly how Siebel CTMS could help YOU find your Zen amidst all of the chaos? […]
21 CFR Part 11 Decoded: Electronic Signature General Requirements
Welcome to the first post in the 21 CFR Part 11 “mini-series” focused on Subpart C – Electronic Signatures. We’ve come a long way since that first post in which we decoded what the name “21 CFR Part 11” even means, haven’t we? We are in the final stretch! Let’s get out our decoder […]
Don’t Wait For Another Hurricane Sandy
When Hurricane Sandy struck the U.S. in 2012, it was devastating, to say the least. It damaged homes, businesses, and schools. No one in its path was left untouched. Even data centers were flooded and left without power, taking critical systems offline. Experiences like Sandy make you wish you had a plan in place […]
The Cloud Isn’t The Problem, It Might Be You
Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal published an article on some issues that companies encounter when running their systems in the cloud. It points out that a considerable amount of money is wasted on resources such as unused power or even servers. That’s not a surprise. If you don’t know what you’re doing, mistakes […]
Breathometer Wants To Take Your Breath Away With Mint
Breathometer is at it again. After the highly successful launch of the world’s first smartphone breathalyzer, the first company that got all Shark Tank investors to put in a total of $1 million has just created another Indiegogo campaign for a new product, Mint. Mint will be a tiny Bluetooth LE medical device (Class I) that’s […]
This Recent FDA Warning Letter Shows You Exactly Why Quality Matters
“Quality, quality, quality.” You hear it all the time from your QA colleagues. There are so many forms to fill out, trainings to complete, procedures to read and follow, and internal audits to produce records for. Sometimes, it’s so overwhelming that we’re tempted to just tune it out. That is, until we read an FDA Warning […]
Bug Tracking Systems Aren’t Just For Bugs
Here in Perficient’s life sciences practice, we use a defect tracking system as part of our application development process. It helps us keep track of bugs and resolutions as we develop and test, but there’s nothing particularly remarkable about it…except that we use it for another purpose too: to track problems with our QA controlled […]
13 Life Sciences Company Websites, Then And Now
Pretty bad and pretty funny. That’s how I’d summarize what the websites looked like for these 13 biopharma, medical device, and research organizations when they first made their mark on the World Wide Web. In honor of Throwback Thursday, we used Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to poke fun at the companies many of us have come to […]