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Posts Tagged ‘java’

A little stuffed animal called Hadoop

Doug Cutting – Hadoop creator – is reported to have explained how the name for his Big Data technology came about: “The name my kid gave a stuffed yellow elephant. Short, relatively easy to spell and pronounce, meaningless, and not used elsewhere: those are my naming criteria.” The term, of course, evolved over time and […]

Keeping up with the Fixes

A huge number of my projects are platform upgrades, and every time I ask my customers why they haven’t applied a single published fix for any of the products involved since the system was built (sometimes upwards of 7 years ago). They usually reply with a variation on the old trope, “If it ain’t broke, […]

Approaches to automate and abstract JAXB from Portal Layer

This blog is to provide an insight on development of Portal applications by achieving high cohesion between the portal and the service layer by secluding and automating the JAXB framework. We know that portal applications are composed of bundles of portlets and hence the compositions and the complexities of each portlet are of utmost importance. […]

Windows Azure: What is Platform as a Service?

What is Platform as a Service (PaaS)?  How does it differ from Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas)? Let’s start with IaaS.  When “The Cloud” first became popular IaaS was the target.  The point of IaaS is to migrate a company data center into Windows Azure.  This involves converting whatever physical servers you have to Hyper-V […]

Windows Azure now has Java and Oracle pre-configured VMs

A little over a month ago I had a post about Windows Azure supporting Java and Oracle. I had mentioned that pre-configured options should become available. That day is now upon us. There is several pre-configured options for Java, Oracle Database, and Oracle WebLogic Server. Not just on Windows operating systems either, there is a […]

Databases & hardware: Hot topics at OpenWorld – #OOW13

60,000 people will convene to watch 3,600 partners and customers speak in sessions at Oracle OpenWorld this week. Oracle’s rockstar, chief executive Larry Ellison, kicked off Oracle OpenWorld on Sunday evening, highlighting a shift to “in-memory technology to speed up by as much as 100 times the databases that are the foundation of the company’s business.” Ellison presented: […]

What, Windows Azure supports Oracle and Java?

I don’t think it is well-known but it proves that Windows Azure is not just a Microsoft platform. Windows Azure supports Oracle and Java! They don’t have pre-configured images yet, though they’re planned to be available in the near future. For now to work with these technologies you have to configure your own images and […]

Java Class Loader

Introduction The Java programs run on a Java virtual machine (JVM). This means that compiled programs are represented using a hardware- and operating system-independent binary format, typically (but not necessarily) stored in a file, known as the class file format. In particular, a Java program isn’t a single executable file, but instead is composed of […]

WebSphere Portal and Maven (Part 5)

I recommend using a maven plugin to package your logic. The reason is that the ANT antcall and XSLT tasks require file inputs (and do not support URIs). When you package these file resources into a jar (as you do with a plugin) then you can extract them to the correct relative filesystem locations as […]

WebSphere Portal and Maven (Part 4)

So far you have a compiled portlet and an XSLT capable of producing an xmlaccess request input file based on your specific portlet.xml file. Next you create an ANT script that is capable of submitting your request to the portal server. The script presented below diverges to distinguish between local portlet deployments (when you are […]

Top 10 Developer Features of Java 7

eWeek has an article out about the top10 developer features of Java 7.  My favorite is the xRender Pipeline which takes advantage of modern GPU’s.  I’m sure game developers on Android will be happy…..

Slide the mouse to achieve vacation set using FullCalendar

These days, I developed a program to define a schedule by using FullCalendar, if you want to know how to use FullCalendar, please refer to, of course, you can find the a lot of material from Google The following outlines the specific realization of my requirements : The user can set a particular event […]

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