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Posts Tagged ‘interoperability’

Informatica improving Healthcare Challenges at #HIMSS15 System interoperability and integration is critical to healthcare organizations. Their ability to coordinate care across the continuum with integrated data solutions and streamlined data sharing supports population health management initiatives and makes accountable care a reality. Using Informatica Powercenter/ Powerexchange for Mainframes as an ETL tool, Perficient has helped healthcare organizations achieve enterprise-wide ODS’ […]

Connected Health Top 10: #8 Interoperability Steps Into Limelight

Healthcare organizations are beginning to realize that enabling consumer engagement and population health strategies are not possible unless the capability of effectively and efficiently communicating across care venues and systems exist as well. This is a big ask considering the increasingly complex care continuum that matches patient to care provider. This calls upon Connected Health […]

Tackling ACO Data Challenges

How do we engage patients, coordinate care, improve quality, lower costs and share savings all at once? A group of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) will be in Baltimore this week discussing this and other topics on establishing and sustaining ACOs. One of the challenges of forming and sustaining ACOs is establishing shared goals and shared […]

2015 Healthcare ACO Trends and The Key to Success [Infographic]

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) as a model to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care across the continuum and improve population health management (PHM) has significantly increased. In an ACO, healthcare providers take responsibility for the health of a defined population, coordinate care across the continuum, and are held to benchmark levels of quality and cost. In 2015 […]

Patient Information Really Doesn’t Matter

We live in a world of information, everywhere we turn someone is collecting information about us. The technology advancements over the last 10 years are mind-boggling, but new technology is usually escorted by apprehension as our privacy continues to diminish and security is anything but secure. From cookies on the internet to a basket analysis […]

7 Features the Market Wants in Your Patient Portal: Blog Series

In case you missed it, we recently concluded our blog series on What the Market Says You Need in Your Patient Portal. Two of our healthcare experts, Melody Smith Jones, Manager of Connected Health (@melsmithjones) and Nick Lecker, Director of Architecture and Interoperability teamed up to take a deeper look into the 7 features that […]

Market Driven Patient Portal: Integration of Data

In our last conversation about “What the market says you need in your patient portal” we discussed the needs of integration and interoperability. This is an area that, while interesting to the IT team, often does not get a lot of attention. This is not because this topic lacks interest, rather, it’s just not the […]

Market Driven Patient Portal: HIE Across Diverse Care Settings

So far in this discussion about “What the market says you need in your patient portal” we have been driving toward changes that are core to new engagement models. However, we have not addressed a core enabler: “It’s all about the data!” Consumers demand access to information that meets their needs and they are not […]

Reframing the ACO Analytics Problem with Malcolm Gladwell

I just finished watching a quick slideshow on the Health Data Management website, “Enterprise Analytics: Moving on Up” and as luck would have it, I also watched several sessions of the live Webcast from the Healthcare Innovation Day Conference 2014 in Washington, DC, sponsored by West Health Institute and the Office of the National Coordinator […]

ICD-10: Nine tips to decrease cash flow disruptions

T-minus 9 months! Are you ready for ICD-10? Are you really ready? The Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference is being held in Orlando, Florida this year and I would guarantee that the educational sessions on ICD-10 will be packed with healthcare providers seeking the answer to this very question. On the other […]

Top 5 Technology Trends in Healthcare – November 2013

The healthcare IT field is rapidly developing and changing. Emerging technology and updated regulations put pressure on healthcare providers and health plans to stay ahead of the curve. Perficient creates a monthly list that explores some of the current topics and issues in health IT. This list examines the most talked about issues and technologies […]

Key Ingredients to an Enterprise Information Management Solution

EIM Gumbo 1 portion of Data Governance 1 portion of Data Warehousing A stock of interoperability* Culture, chopped up finely Dash of patience *Measured and added to the extent as needed. Can be made up of a variety of means, manner and mechanisms to facility the move of data to the warehouse and information from […]

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