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Posts Tagged ‘Integration’

eXtreme Scale

Just for curiosity’s sake and this blog, I looked up the definition of ‘cache’ [as used in computer science]. Most sources define it as “…a component that transparently stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster “.  The part about served faster reminded me of an old adage. It goes like this. […]

Optimizing Experiences Using IBM TeaLeaf

IBM Tealeaf is a tool that can help you optimize customer experiences with your website.  Here are a couple of examples of where Tealeaf can be used: A customer has an issue with the website and calls your service center for help.  Rather than have the customer relive the poor experience, Tealeaf allows the CSR […]

Why WebSphere MQ as opposed to RDBMS for WMB

One of the most asked questions in a project from the client was how feasible is it to use Database as the intermediary transport layer for Websphere Message Broker. No doubt there is a long term benefit in using WMQ but the question is more short sighted as per the immediate benefits of leveraging the […]

What's coming in WebSphere Portal and WCM

Rob Will, Chief Architect at IBM, presented the future vision for Portal and WCM today.   He started out talking about how the concept of customer experience has been evolving over the past few years.  A core shift has been to enable non-technical users to do more and more with less reliance on IT. A slight […]

What’s coming in WebSphere Portal and WCM

Rob Will, Chief Architect at IBM, presented the future vision for Portal and WCM today.   He started out talking about how the concept of customer experience has been evolving over the past few years.  A core shift has been to enable non-technical users to do more and more with less reliance on IT. A slight […]

Cognos TM1 TurboIntegrator – Run-time or Read-time?

In this blog I wanted to take some time to describe certain “behaviors” of Cognos TM1 TurboIntegrator processes. Access to Processes As of version 10.2 (or as of this writing), TM1 Server lists all processes (in alphabetical order) under the consolidation “Processes”. The visibility of processes can be controlled by implementing TM1 security. TM1 groups […]

Using Splunk with Cognos TM1

IBM Cognos TM1 offers powerful enterprise planning, forecasting, and analysis capabilities. These benefits are best realized by extending the solution across departments for a consolidated, integrated planning process, leveraging business-specific financial models that mirror business strategy. Our years of experience implementing TM1 have shown an increasing demand on support personnel to coordinate data transferring and […]

IBM WebSphere Portal adds enhanced marketing features

Almost one year ago at IBM Connect 2013, IBM showed some advanced marketing integration with IBM WebSphere Portal.  The demos showed marketers easily customizing portal pages with targeted content based on market segmentation.  Some of the features demo’d last year have slowly crept into the product. Today, though, IBM announced a much better integration between […]

Predicting Project Success with IBM SPSS

A technology company has literally participated in thousands of projects over the years. At some point the group decided it wants to determine what factors or characteristics may influence the (hopefully successful) competition of current and future implementation projects. Thankfully, they have maintained records in on every project that they were involved in and that […]

Selecting your Modeling Approach with IBM SPSS Modeler

Coming from a TM1 background (more business than statistics), it is easy to get stated with modeling once you determine your modeling objective, and Modeler can help with that. IBM SPSS Modeler offers an intuitive interface that will appeal to a wide range of users from the non-technical business user to the statistician, data miner […]

Examining (Data) Relationships

The discovering of relationships within data (between fields) is an important part of any data mining project (in the Crisp-DM methodology, this is described as part of the “Data Understanding” stage). This “relationship discovery” is part of developing a predictive model but is also helpful in answering specific business questions -perhaps even what originally motivated […]

IIBv9 – Introduction

Peers, it is time to embrace IBM’s Integration Bus v9 aka IIBv9. Many of us are comfortable developing solutions using WebSphere Message Broker [WMB] version 6, 7 and 8. To date, all the projects I’ve worked on at Perficient, clients still used WMB 6/7. However, IBM recently re-branded WMB as Integration Bus. Much of the […]

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