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Posts Tagged ‘insurance’

Facebook Tells Insurer It’s Not OK To Leverage Users’ Posts For Pricing

A recent Financial Times article discussed how Admiral, a UK-based insurance company, was planning to leverage Facebook data to offer policy discounts. “The way you write and the things you post online are shaped by your personality,” an Admiral employee said. “An overconfident person will use phrases such as ‘always,’ ‘never,’ and exclamation marks rather […]

Ensuring A Bright Financial Future In An Aging World

My colleague recently sent me an article that discusses the financial security, or lack thereof, of Americans. And that’s very troubling. The problems we face today are, indeed, different than yesterday. Take for example the fact we’re living longer, albeit with health issues, such as Alzheimer’s. Or, take America’s Social Security retirement trust funds into […]

What It Costs To Comply With The DOL Fiduciary Rule

The new U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary rule is quickly revealing itself to be the most impactful regulation in the financial services industry in a long time. The investments that companies are needing to make in order to comply with the rule, which focuses on conflict of interest, are making the impact painfully clear. […]

Financial And Insurance Advisors, Tech Is the Gateway To Success

“To stay relevant, financial advisors are recognizing that technology has to be a big piece of their pitch to this generation.” That statement came from a CNBC article that discussed the critical role technology plays in the financial services industry. The author, Ilana Polyak, points to a recent report from Fidelity, which indicates that financial […]

Servicing Customers In Financial Services With CX Technology

It’s no secret that customer satisfaction scores go up when customers consistently get what they want. When they have unanswered questions about your products and services, they’re not likely to become your biggest cheerleaders. And, chances are that if your prospects find themselves with questions that can’t be answered, they’re not going to convert. We […]

Funny Fiduciary Rule Video Surpasses 4 Million Views

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a brief overview of a new rule the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently finalized. While it’s certainly nothing to laugh about, comedian and host of “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” the man himself, John Oliver, was able to make light of it. In fact, as of […]

Protecting You And Your Clients Through Technology And Strategy

Every industry experiences cybercrime, but probably none more than financial services, at an average annualized cost of $13.5 million. If you look at the Breach Level Index, you will notice that some type of security breach occurs at financial institutions almost daily. These breaches can involve anywhere from a handful of records to tens of […]

How Vanguard Wins Over Customers Without Even Meeting Them

As a long-time customer of Vanguard, I can attest to their great way of doing business. While I’ve never set foot into an office of theirs, the financial services company – one of the world’s largest investment management companies – was able to gain my trust and, without much effort, convince me to enlist them […]

Bank With High CX Score Mentions “Customers” More

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Michael Porter, a colleague of mine, was live-blogging at last week’s Forrester CXNYC event, a conference for customer experience leaders, innovators, and practitioners. During one of the presentations he attended, George F. Colony, the CEO of Forrester, discussed how customer experience has become the most critical barrier […]

Technology Partnerships: Creating New Avenues Of Revenue

There’s no question that financial institutions need cutting-edge technology to support growth. However, there is also no question that technology is not their core business. Therefore, it makes sense for them to partner – or even acquire – financial technology companies, which brings us to the topic of unicorns. What do unicorns have to do […]

Smart Machines: Putting Tech To Work For You And Your Clients

Smart machines, which encompasses a group of cognitive computing technologies such as advanced machine learning, natural language processing, and prescriptive analytics to make decisions and solve problems without human intervention, have been receiving more attention in recent years due to the rise and success of solutions like IBM’s Watson. A smart application learns and adapts […]

Migrating to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services

Cloud: Delivering Business Value While Reducing Costs

The cloud is not new, but it remains incredibly important. Yes, leaders at financial services institutions continue to worry about the cloud’s ability to meet their strict security and privacy requirements. However, threats like cyberattacks are not stopping them from moving to the cloud. There are simply too many more advantages to operating in the […]

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