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Posts Tagged ‘insurance’

How Watson and BPM Are Disrupting Insurance

If there’s one area that can spell the success or failure of an insurance carrier, it’s claims. Claims consume nearly 80% of insurance premiums in the form of payments or processing costs. Consequently, claims managers are challenged to reduce these costs, improve service levels, and gain greater control over the processing environment. As regulatory oversight […]

3-Part Process To Reduce Risk When Cross-Selling In Financial Services

While modifying sales goals can be a good place to start, artificial intelligence and intelligent machines (along with a comprehensive process) can be leveraged to analyze data and identify patterns. Aside from knowing the real identity of customers, companies are obligated to ensure that their customers have willingly opted to do business with them through […]

What To Make Of Sales Goals And Incentives In Banking And Insurance

Most successful cross-selling programs have incentives in place that reward employees for selling additional products and services to existing clients. While financial incentives are often indispensable in certain parts of the industry, and there is nothing wrong with such programs at their core, they do open the door to unethical behavior that can have unfortunate […]

The Importance Of Cross-Selling In Banking And Insurance

Let’s talk about what cross-selling is, in the simplest of terms. It is well known in the financial services industry that customers who sign up for multiple products and services are typically more loyal and, therefore, can bring organizations more revenue in the long run. These deeper relationships are what make cross-selling financial products so […]

Engagement Via Gamification [Trend To Watch]

Financial services organizations such as banks, insurance organizations, and credit card issuers, are creating mobile applications that are not just focused on the products or services they’re selling. Instead, they’re using mobile as a way to get in front of customers and non-customers alike. At the end of the day, their belief, and rightly so, is that […]

Achieving Meaningful Results From Your Transformation Programs

Transformation initiatives require the development and implementation of strategies and technologies capable of delivering operational efficiency, reducing expenses, and increasing revenue. As an organization, you can commit to putting initiatives similar to the ones discussed here in place. It will require everyone, all the way to the CEO, to be on board and contribute where […]

Why Banks And Insurance Companies Need To Continue Investing In Tech

While some companies are keen on trimming the number of legacy IT applications through consolidation, they all agree that investments in technology are critical when it comes to operating in a digital world that has created incredibly high customer expectations. The adoption of mobile devices has significantly changed the operating landscape. During his remarks that […]

Oracle Enterprise Management Updates

Increasing Cloud Use [Trend To Watch]

Gartner recently put out a press release that is quite memorable. It begins with: “By 2020, a corporate ‘no-cloud’ policy will be as rare as a ‘no-internet’ policy is today.” The chances are low that many companies maintain such success-hindering policies, but there are plenty of companies out there that are slow adopters, especially in […]

The Role Of Process Automation In Financial Services

Boosting productivity through automation is another goal of the industry. Automation drives down costs and enables better control and compliance. It gives firms scale by allowing them to better serve existing customers and address new segments of customers by allocating resources to areas in which they can make the biggest difference. Eliminating simple manual processes […]

Digital Transformation [Trend To Watch]

Lloyds Banking Group, a company with 30 million customers under several brands including Lloyds Bank, Bank of Scotland, and Halifax, has put forth additional cost-saving measures to help the company weather poor economic conditions and better meet customer expectations. On top of the 9,000 jobs and 200 retail branches the bank outlined to eliminate in […]

Consolidating IT Applications To Cut Costs In Banking

Cost reduction remains a priority among financial institutions. Aside from re-negotiating contracts with vendors, consolidating IT applications is an ongoing trend in the industry. When speaking on the topic of expense reductions, Ralph W. Babb, chairman and CEO of Comerica, said, “We will enhance our technology capabilities, while reducing our overall spend by optimizing our […]

The Importance Of Transformation Initiatives In Banking And Insurance

Conversations with our clients have shed light on what’s taking place in their organizations and how they’re approaching their need to become more profitable. It’s evident that, for many, transformation initiatives are in development or already in place. These initiatives are not short-term plans, but rather ones that span many months or even years. Without […]

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