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Posts Tagged ‘healthcare content’

CTA Strategy for Healthcare Content: 4 Ways to Increase Conversions

As we know, many users don’t actually read your healthcare content. Instead, they scan it. They’re scanning for the action that’s relevant to their journey, such as how to schedule an appointment, a phone number or a web form. And, frankly, that’s what you want them to do — to convert. To do that, you […]

Hone Your Healthcare Content’s Tone: 6 Best Practices

The content of your healthcare organization’s website is key. But perhaps as important as the actual substance of what you say on your site is how you say it — the tone in which you present the information. With in-person or video communication, audiences can infer deeper meaning, deduce emotional states, and gauge the speaker’s […]

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Your Healthcare Content Should Never Use This Word: 4 Reasons Why

Writing good healthcare content that motivates users to convert isn’t easy. It takes time and effort to build trust with a consumer and help them feel comfortable taking the next step with your organization. And there’s one word that will never help you in those efforts. That word should never appear on your consumer-facing website […]

Improving the Patient Experience With Content

Patient experience is a key measure of overall healthcare quality. It commands equal attention alongside clinical outcomes, patient safety, and efficiency and cost reduction measures. Patient education is a significant component of the patient experience. As such, it receives special attention in some primary care and acute care quality measures. So we need to give […]

Governance in Healthcare: Information, Content and Knowledge

The trend of treating information, content, and knowledge as assets means that ultimately these things need to be addressed and accounted for just like all other assets in a business. This means making it a part of the organization’s balance sheet – if not formally, as accounting principles do not yet support this capitalization concept […]

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