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Posts Tagged ‘Framework’

Sitecore Developers: Start! Your! Ignition!

So, besides an excuse to use the old reliable “Start your engines!” trope, what is Ignition? Ignition is an open source development accelerator designed by the team at Perficient and released to the Sitecore community as a quick-start tool for beginning Sitecore projects. It has two primary components: the Sitecore Information Architecture piece and the .NET […]

Jump-Start Your Secure Coding Program With OWASP ASVS 3.0

The concept of secure coding used to be a little hazy, one of those you’ll-know-it-when-you-see it concepts.  Patterns for secure coding generally arrived as one-offs, where some vendor would recommend their product/library/framework  because it “solved critical security problem X and here’s why…”  Recently, however, the vast number of data breaches reported in the news has dramatically driven […]

Types of Automation Framework

“A Test Automation framework is a set of assumptions, concepts and tools that provide support for automated software testing”. So why do we need Automation framework. Can’t we just record the steps of any test case using the automation tool and playback whenever we want to execute the testcase? The answer is ‘NO’. Let’s see the Record/Playback Myth. […]

Bridge the Gap between SharePoint and EMC Documentum

Microsoft’s SharePoint has become the de facto collaboration solution leveraged by most companies today. In fact Gartner states that 60% of companies are using SharePoint.  With its user-friendly interface and growing features SharePoint has grown into strong player in the ECM space, however in certain areas customers still need the power of a traditional ECM platform that […]

Microsoft Entity Framework for the Enterprise

Perficient just published a whitepaper authored by one of our Technical Architect in Indianapolis, Kyle Burns.   It’s titled, Microsoft Entity Framework for the Enterprise.  I’ll put the description below but for any who ask why my portal blog would care about something like that I say that more and more enterprise SharePoint implementations will accessing […]

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