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Posts Tagged ‘FDA’

21 CFR Part 11 Decoded: Definitions

In the previous two posts in this 21 CFR Part 11 Subpart A “mini-series,” we decoded Sections 11.1 – Scope and 11.2 – Implementation. It’s time to wrap up this mini-series with Section 11.3 – Definitions. Make sure no one is looking and then grab your decoder rings! In the table below, the actual language […]

21 CFR Part 11 Decoded: Implementation

In the first post in this 21 CFR Part 11 Subpart A “mini-series,” we decoded Section 11.1 – Scope. It’s time to grab your decoder rings again while we take a look at the next Section, 11.2 – Implementation. In the table below, the actual language from each regulation is on the left, and my […]

21 CFR Part 11 Decoded: Scope

In the previous post in this series, we explained what the name “21 CFR Part 11” means and how the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is organized. In this post, we will actually dive into Part 11 and begin to decode Subpart A – General Provisions. Because Subpart A contains three Sections (Scope, Implementation, and […]

The 21 CFR Part 11 Decoder Ring

If you’re connected to the life sciences industry in one way or another, odds are you’ve heard the term “21 CFR Part 11.” You may have gathered that it’s a set of regulations related to computer systems, but, unless you work in some sort of compliance group, you might not understand what it’s about or […]

Breathometer Wants To Take Your Breath Away With Mint

Breathometer is at it again. After the highly successful launch of the world’s first smartphone breathalyzer, the first company that got all Shark Tank investors to put in a total of $1 million has just created another Indiegogo campaign for a new product, Mint. Mint will be a tiny Bluetooth LE medical device (Class I) that’s […]

The Complete List Of FDA Novel Drug Approvals In 2014, By Company

Big pharma is big business. Well, if they have products on the market, that is! So, who were the lucky companies that got novel drugs approved by the FDA in 2014? What were the drugs? And, what were the therapeutic purposes? Flip through the slideshow to get a glimpse of who was popping champagne well […]

FDA Warning Letter Trends Show That Medical Device Companies Need To Improve These 3 Things

U.S.-based Medical Device companies, take note: Between October 1 and December 23, 2014, the FDA issued 11 FDA Warning Letters to your peers. With an average of almost one per week, it’s clear that medical device companies are BIG on the FDA’s radar right now. While the Letters touch on nearly every aspect of the […]

Perficient’s Top 10 Life Sciences Blog Posts of 2014, Letterman-Style

As we wrap up 2014, I thought it would be neat to see what our readers were, well, reading. Without further ado, here are the top 10 blog posts Perficient’s life sciences practice wrote that seemed to be popular among readers. They’re ranked David Letterman-style, one being most popular (i.e., viewed). The One Feature CROs and […]

The Trifecta Of Validation

Validation. Admit it – you cringed a little. It’s almost like a dirty word in our industry. That thing that slows down system implementations. That thing that adds a bunch of time and cost to IT projects. That annoying, but necessary, evil. Well, okay, it’s not really “evil,” per say. It is, after all, designed […]

This Recent FDA Warning Letter Shows You Exactly Why Quality Matters

“Quality, quality, quality.” You hear it all the time from your QA colleagues. There are so many forms to fill out, trainings to complete, procedures to read and follow, and internal audits to produce records for. Sometimes, it’s so overwhelming that we’re tempted to just tune it out. That is, until we read an FDA Warning […]

How Software Vendors Can Survive The Life Sciences IT Gauntlet

The life sciences industry is up against some incredibly high standards from regulatory agencies worldwide – with good reason – so it makes sense that we, in turn, have incredibly high expectations of our vendors, especially IT. Because we have to be able to show complete traceability in our work, we need our software vendors […]

Maximizing Your Document Management System ROI Through Digital Signatures

It’s probably a safe assumption that your organization made the switch to an electronic document management system (e.g., SharePoint, Office 365, Documentum, Alfresco, NextDocs, eDOCs DM) some time ago. Take a few minutes and think back on the underlying reasons for that investment. I’m sure the list you came up with includes things like keeping […]

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