Mark Polly, Director at Perficient recently posted a blog titled Lessons Learned from 2014: Healthcare and Patient Portals. In his blog post Mark takes a look at the challenges with healthcare patient portals, including whether or not patients know they exist and what elements of a patient portal are most essential. Read Mark’s entire post […]
Posts Tagged ‘connected health’
The Problem with Health IT is in the Definition
There has been a lot of debate around the challenges within the healthcare industry. Much of the discussion stems from the fee-for-service model and the focus on services and reimbursement rather than the patient. Health information technology has its own set of challenges when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. If we truly want to […]
Would you use a Self-Service Symptom Checker Portal?
I sometimes read information about symptoms from Dr. Google but generally, I think this is a pretty bad idea … one of the reasons is because I believe in the power of thought and visualization … but we won’t go there in this blog. What I’d like to talk about is the powerful platform being […]
Market Driven Patient Portal: Integration of Data
In our last conversation about “What the market says you need in your patient portal” we discussed the needs of integration and interoperability. This is an area that, while interesting to the IT team, often does not get a lot of attention. This is not because this topic lacks interest, rather, it’s just not the […]
Market Driven Patient Portal: HIE Across Diverse Care Settings
So far in this discussion about “What the market says you need in your patient portal” we have been driving toward changes that are core to new engagement models. However, we have not addressed a core enabler: “It’s all about the data!” Consumers demand access to information that meets their needs and they are not […]
Market Driven Patient Portal: Avatars for Personalized Coaching
In our next installation from the “What the market says you need in your patient portal” series we bring you avatars. These avatars are closely related to our last post on gamification and serious games, but their real value proposition is in what I like to call “high touch digital healthcare.” Many may think that […]
Market Driven Patient Portal: Gamification and Serious Games
More than half way through our “What the market says you need in your patient portal” series I bring to you one of my favorite topics: healthcare gamification and serious games. Games are great at explaining complex systems. There are fewer places one can find complex systems than in the micro and macro worlds of […]
Market-Driven Patient Portal: Social Collaboration
Next in our lineup of “What the market says you need in your patient portal” series is social collaboration. This topic brings us to the core of a term that we hear a lot in the industry: patient engagement. What is that, really? Any form of engagement requires communication. Right now communication between provider and […]
Market Driven Patient Portal: Dynamic Scheduling
Taking our “What the market says you need in your patient portal” series a step further, today we are going to address the market demand for dynamic scheduling. When it comes to the marketing work of drawing patients into the brick and mortar, I often tell clients that, where their website and patient portal are […]
Market-Driven Patient Portal: Telehealth Beyond the Virtual Visit
Last month I published a post entitled “What the market says you need in your patient portal” that garnered a lot of interest. In that post I addressed the balancing act that healthcare executives face when market based initiatives are sidelined in order to drive focus to regulatory requirements such as Meaningful Use. Sometimes the […]
Apple HealthKit: A Game Changer
I have been an athlete all my life, but since I’ve reached my 30’s, had 5 reconstructive surgeries, and moved back to the Midwest to a completely sedentary job, staying fit and healthy has become more challenging than ever before. As an Apple lover for years, I have a myriad of Apps I enlisted to […]
Creepy or Cool? A View of Connected Health in 2025
One of the fun aspects of my job is research. I get to research the Connected Health trends to understand where the market is headed and how to then prepare healthcare organizations for those changes to capitalize off of the advantage of public health meets good timing meets technology. I typically chart the trends out […]