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Posts Tagged ‘Collaboration’

Don’t Forget the Remote Employees!

More than 90% of companies have users who work remotely either part or all of the time.  As project leaders, more specifically Change Management specialists, we can’t forget about these important people! Nothing says “second-class citizen” like a poor approach to engaging remote users, and an unengaged user usually will be a slow adopter to […]

Don't Forget the Remote Employees!

More than 90% of companies have users who work remotely either part or all of the time.  As project leaders, more specifically Change Management specialists, we can’t forget about these important people! Nothing says “second-class citizen” like a poor approach to engaging remote users, and an unengaged user usually will be a slow adopter to […]

Top 10 reasons to go Google

1.      It is a mission critical productivity solution that is both easy to deploy and easy to maintain! With an experienced deployment partner, transitioning from your current legacy system to Google Apps for Work becomes a well-rehearsed change management procedure.  Additionally Google Apps for Work is the leader and only email productivity solution built from the ground […]

A Day in the Life of an Office 365 User

Office 365 comprises of a lot of services and features which can be overwhelming for an end user. More often than not, we hear concerns from organizations and individual users of how roll out of new products and technologies fail. I do not see this as a technology problem, rather a communication and change management […]

11 Strategic Issues Facing CIOs in 2015

When we talk about digital transformation here at Perficient, we are often talking about big data, cloud, mobile and social.   In a recent Forbes article titled “CIO Lessons Learned: My Approach To The Top 10 Strategic Issues Of 2015“, Mark Sunday of Oracle says, “the CIO must be adept at understanding and responding to […]

Global Rollout for Office Delve

For quite some time I have been sharing my experiences and knowledge around the new Office Graph app (utilizing machine learning) called Delve. It’s great to know that this feature is now public for all Office 365 business subscribers globally. Until now it was only available for “First Release” customers and but everyone who wishes to […]

Advanced Content Targeting in SharePoint – Part 2

This post is a continuation of my previous blog post explaining advanced content targeting using SharePoint search. We saw earlier how to implement a custom token for the logged in user which filters incoming content in the search index based on the user’s profile attributes. Today we are going to look into creating display templates to […]

Moving to the Cloud, does it take a leap of faith?

Decision makers today are all about the bottom line, how can we increase productivity while still lowering operational costs?  These are typically mutually exclusive goals, but does it have to be that way?  Reducing costs may not maximize profits, if we consider technologies that increase production efficiency and we agree that greater productivity is a direct […]

Webinar: How the Microsoft Cloud Helps @PIH Improve Global Health

Many nonprofits (and certainly other organizations as well) would likely share the same sentiment as Partners In Health (PIH) – due to the mission at hand, resource allocation, more often than not, prioritizes the needs of people over systems. It’s not all that surprising that this can lead to disbanded communication systems. Systems that, over […]

Social Content As a Channel for Technology Buyers?

Via, I saw an infographic on what Social Content technology buyers user or intend to use. I have to admit I was a bit shocked by the data Eccolo Media was able to find in its survey. While I consider blogs to be a valid and valuable media channel, I haven’t considered Facebook, Pinterest, […]

How Delve Makes your Life Easier!

For some time now Microsoft has been working on an intelligent fabric- machine learning. This algorithm is (now more than ever) becoming an integral part of many new platforms and products, especially office graph which powers the new Office app called “Delve”. Delve is part of the Office 365 suite and is available for all […]

IBM ConnectED: Video of Opening Session

While Mark Polly blogged on the opening session, you can see the demo of the Digital Experience platforms.  

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