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Posts Tagged ‘cms 12’

The Power Of Search Engine. Transforming Industries And Customer Service. A Look Into The Future Of Ai Search. Yellow Loupe Icon Processing Data On Smart Phone. Modern 3d Render

Optimizely Search & Navigation: Boosting in Unified Search

In the Optimizely Search & Navigation admin view, administrators can set a certain weight of different properties (title, content, summary, or document content). When an user searches for a keyword that matches to a property’s value, the higher weight of that property will make the matching pages to be more likely to appear at the […]

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Decoding DI in Optimizely CMS 12

DI or Dependency Injection is a complex topic, not just in Optimizely CMS, but in general in .net core implementations. Some aspects we get, like the different ways dependencies can be injected and which is better over others, while some leave us scratching our heads. Often times we end up doing a lot of troubleshooting, […] Issues

Optimizely CMS 12 upgrade takeaways!

I’ve now written several blog posts about my experience with Optimizely CMS 12 upgrade process on several different projects. Each project has taught me something new and made me encounter things I hadn’t before. One of my earlier upgrade projects this year had very unique challenges that I wrote about here. This time around, I’m […]

He Puts The Pro In Programmer

Optimizely CMS 12 – Content Delivery API Integration

In the Optimizely Content Management System (CMS), a headless approach is achieved using content delivery API. This handy package can get the data into JSON format using the REST API. In Single Page, Application, and content delivery, API works very well with JavaScript languages like React, Vue, and Angular. A headless system can work with […]

massively open online data (MOOD)

Optimizely CMS – Getting all content of a specific property with a simple SQL script

When you need to retrieve all content of a specific property from a Page/Block type, normally you will use the IContentLoader or IContentRepository, or even IContentModelUsage to get all instances of a content type then select them by property. This is the correct implementation by code. But what if you only need to check the […]

Woman Hand Writing On Clipboard With A Pen.

Creating Dropdown Lists in Optimizely CMS 12 with Enum and Database

This blog will help to create single or multiple list options in CMS 12. Dropdown lists play an important role whenever we give the user to select a single value from the list. In CMS 12, single or multiple selection lists populate using “SelectOne” and “SelectMany” attributes. This attribute is in the “EPiServer.Shell.ObjectEditing” namespace. You […]

Camper Travels Along A Curving Highway In Alaska Below Mountains Near Seward On A Sunny Afternoon

Creating new sites in Optimizely CMS 12

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…” This is the first in a series of articles describing my experiences with migrating client sites from CMS 11 to CMS 12.  Many things have changed, added, and improved, but some things I encountered did not always have an easy answer. Optimizely has a […]

Mobile Apps Developers At The Office.

Bitbucket CI/CD Pipelines for Optimizely CMS 12

A big reason behind this post is because this topic, even though very relevant, has very little to no context available online so far. There are posts about this being possible and very generic build pipelines for .net core deployments to azure, but none describing how to build Bitbucket CI/CD pipelines for Optimizely CMS 12 […]

Optimizely CMS – Customize your Bulk Upload Confirmation

When you upload a media file to a specific location, if the file is already existed, you will be noticed by a warning: You can either choose “Skip this File” to ignore the replacement, or hit “Replace File” to replace the old existing file. The issue Assuming that you have to replace 2 existing images, […]

Microsoftteams Image

Why Is It Important to Upgrade to Optimizely CMS 12, Commerce 14, and .NET 6?

A new year means new projects and marketing strategies, but how do you want to improve your key systems in 2023? We’ve put together this overview to help every Optimizely CMS/DXP user think about the precious aspects.   Released in November 2021, .NET 6 marks the latest update in the .NET Core product line. .NET 5 […]


Optimizely CMS – Adding Sort option to the Asset Pane

Have you ever felt tired of scrolling down the Asset Pane, looking for the item you’ve just created? I know someone would say, “Then just get a better structure for your content!”. Right, folder structure should be in a hierarchical order for best practice. However, in some cases (especially the Media), specific content must be […]

tiethnic colleagues sitting at desk looking at laptop computer in office. stock photo

Optimizely CMS 12 – Implementing a Reverse Proxy with YARP

The last few CMS implementations that I’ve done have required reverse proxies to surface external content.  By the time I had completed my last CMS 11 project, I was a pro with reverse proxies. And then CMS 12 came and changed everything.  CMS 12 moved to .Net Core on Linux web apps. This change removed […]

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