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Posts Tagged ‘Banking’

Examining The Issues With Today’s AML & KYC Strategies

While anti-money laundering (AML) programs may present the biggest opportunity for machine learning to thrive, there are many issues when it comes to fighting money laundering. The number and high caliber of resources required to battle fraud in today’s highly regulated environment are immense, and the cost – of both personnel and technology required to […]

Defining Anti-Money laundering (AML) & Know Your Customer (KYC)

According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), “Money laundering is the process of making illegally gained proceeds (i.e., ‘dirty money’) appear legal (i.e., ‘clean’). Typically, it involves three steps: placement, layering and integration. First, the illegitimate funds are furtively introduced into the legitimate financial system. Then, the money is […]

person waiting in an airport

[Guide] Improving Insight And Reporting In Wealth Management

Business intelligence (BI) technologies enable wealth management firms to analyze raw data, with the goal of improving decision making, enhancing client relationships, increasing operational efficiency, and adhering to legal and regulatory compliance mandates. A properly designed BI framework can provide financial services companies with a rich, intuitive user interface that enables business users to run […]

6 Beliefs To Embrace When Building A Business Intelligence Program

There are many considerations when it comes to the development and operation of a business intelligence (BI) program, especially when it is specific to certain sectors of the financial industry like wealth management. Nonetheless, there are several fundamental beliefs wealth management firms should embrace as they pursue their BI efforts: BI is a powerful tool […]

How To Start A Business Intelligence Program

The process of implementing a business intelligence (BI) program varies based on the scope. A comprehensive, enterprise-wide BI program typically starts with an assessment phase to identify the data domains, systems of record, core data elements, and analytical requirements. Some level of process flow analysis may also be required to understand the origin and usage […]

How To Tell If You Need A Business Intelligence Program

The ideal candidate for a business intelligence (BI) program is a firm that is seeking greater operational efficiency, increased flexibility and interoperability, better management reporting, mitigation of regulatory or other risks, enhanced transparency, access and support, and the ability to make informed business decisions. It is a firm that believes the investment in operational efficiency, […]

6 Challenges Of Business Intelligence User Adoption

The business intelligence (BI) industry has been plagued with poor user adoption for years and has a huge failure rate among companies. Here are some of the reasons why. Product is challenging to use: When a BI tool is not designed for business users, such as financial advisors and client associates who are primarily non-technical […]

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6 Benefits Of Business Intelligence

Wealth management firms that have embraced a comprehensive business intelligence (BI) program can: mitigate operational and regulatory challenges across the firm; gain visibility into investment analytics, client relationship management, performance reporting, compliance, and contact management; and generate more comprehensive management and client reports. On the other hand, wealth management firms with a more limited set […]

Getting Wealth Management Firms Up To Speed

Wealth management firms, like many other financial services industry players, are under increased pressure to get ahead of the competition due to the increased availability of advanced analytics technology and regulatory pressure to effectively manage client portfolios. Data is rapidly becoming every company’s most valuable asset, creating a tremendous opportunity for firms that translate it […]

Top 10 Most Reputable U.S. Banks

Reputation Institute, a research and advisory firm that focuses on tackling and analyzing the reputation of companies worldwide, released its annual ranking of the most reputable U.S. banks. According to the report (and a basic understanding of human nature!), a company’s reputation has an effect on: Customers buying your products and services Policymakers and regulators […]

What Financial Firms Can Learn From Mark Zuckerberg & Facebook

A couple of days ago, I posted this piece on a different blog at Perficient, but thought it was interesting enough to share it with those who work in the banking and insurance industries. –  –  – Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, recently took a trip to Alaska as part of his personal challenge to have […]

[Guide] 6 Ways To Mitigate Risk In Cross-Selling For Financial Services

Disciplinary actions. Government fines. Victim restitution. There is no shortage of regulatory compliance issues hitting the headlines these days. In recent years, however, it is news of aggressive sales tactics that has had the general public and several regulatory bodies that oversee financial institutions very concerned. Most financial institutions have critical cross-selling initiatives that encourage […]

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