Perficient is exhibiting and presenting this week at KScope14 in Seattle, WA. On Monday, June 23 I presented my retail-focused solution offering built upon the success of Perficient’s Retail Pathways, but using the Oracle suite of products. In order to focus the discussion to fit within a one hour window I chose restaurant operations to […]
Posts Tagged ‘Advanced Analytics’
SAP HANA and Hadoop – complementary or competitive?
In my last blog post, we learned about SAP HANA… or as I called it, “a database on steroids”. Here is what SAP former CTO and Executive Board Member, Vishal Sikka, told InformationWeek: “Hana is a full, ACID-compliant database, and not just a cache or accelerator. All the operations happen in memory, but every transaction […]
SAP HANA – A ‘Big Data’ Enabler
Some interesting facts and figures for your consideration: 90% – of stored data in the world today was created in the past 2 years 50% – annual data growth rate 34,000 – tweets sent each minute 9,000,000 – daily Amazon orders 7,000,000,000 – daily Google Page Views 2.5 Exabyte – amount of data created every day (an Exabyte […]
“Accelerate your Insights” – Indeed!
I have to say, I was very excited today as I listened to Satya Nadella describe the capabilities of the new SQL 2014 Data Platform during the Accelerate your Insights event. My excitement wasn’t tweaked by the mechanical wizardry of working with a new DB platform, nor was it driven by a need to be […]
Qlik leadership – vision, guts and glory… hopefully
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” – Supposedly Darwin from ‘Origin of Species’… or NOT According to the most recent report from Gartner, no one vendor is fully addressing the critical space in the market […]
Cognos TM1 Reporting Solution Strategy
Solve, then Evolve All Cognos TM1 implementations require a strategy to deliver an appropriate reporting solution. This is the plan that will ensure that each business user will have access to all the TM1 data that they need, in the most usable format and in a timely manner. This plan must be based upon environmental […]
CFO Performance Insight – Déjà vu?
Recently, I attended the IBM Vision conference in Orlando. At the conference, I watched a presentation on what our friends at IBM are calling one of their “signature solutions”: CFO Performance Insight. This reminded me of various blog posts of mine, such as: Reengineering the Forecasting Process with Predictive Models (Nov 2nd 2012) and Forecasting […]