One of the sessions at the business partner day was on how to help the digital experience. It’s more oriented to the services side but had some nice nuggets. Let me start with some stats
Here’s the day in the life of a digital marker
- Launch a new site with recommendations / personalization
- See what’s working and what’s not with digital analytics
- Use that info and other info to target the right content to each visitor segment
- Identify and remedy any customer struggles
- continually optimize the site by a combination of content and recommendations. This could be videos, ads, offers, etc. It’s a wide range of customization.
What is Digital Marketing Optimization?
It’s a cloud based digital analytics engine. It’s things like
- real time KPI’s and dashboards
- Benchmark
- Mobile anlayitcs
- tag management and data exchange
- integration to IBM Portal and Web Content
- Interface for business users.(Not too geeky)
- Full segmentation on lifetime behavior available to all users
- High uptime and availability
- Granular enough data to understand group and individual behavior
Tealeaf Customer Experience
If you think about digital analytics, it’s about numbers and activity for a wide range of people but who are mostly grouped together. IBM’s Tealeaf product takes a different view and lets you see the digital channel from the eyes of a customer. Tealeaf captures every single customer interaction, every time.
A holistic approach would do the following:
- Provide a location for a digital experience like a web site (IBM Portal and WCM)
- Capture large analytics trends (Coremetrics)
- Drill down into why one part had a 40% failure rate. (Go to Tealeaf)
- Take real time interaction when a person does an action on the site (add an item to the cart but not complete the transaction) Then take real time interaction by creating a message or offer. (Unica)
Benefits of this approach?
Well Forrester says:
The key is that these stats orient towards real business results. At first glance, you might think this only pertains to commerce sites but it’s no longer just about selling a widget. It may have started there but many other sites need to manage at this level.
Cross Channel Marketing (e.g. IBM Campaign -formerly Unica)
This tool takes a lot of data from a lot of sources that aren’t just he digital channel. It uses that information to understand a customer and segment them. You can then use the tool to create multi-channel campaigns to mobile, web sites, email, ams, etc.