This session was lead by Ciaran McAuliffe from Sitecore. He showed how to use several different tools to deploy Sitecore in Azure using the Platform as a Service (Paas) model. Here are my notes from the session:
- Azure Marketplace
- Use this when you need a quick site to test on and you do not need continuous integration and deployment
- You still need a valid Sitecore license. You cannot buy one directly from the Azure Marketplace.
- The install wizard allows you to include optional Sitecore modules and ensures the correct versions are installed to match the selected Sitecore version
- Sitecore Azure Toolkit
- This is basically the backend of how the Azure Marketplace works
- It uses prebuild ARM (Azure Resource Manager) templates to create the site
- It can be automated and customized
- Azure Powershell CmdLets
- This is basically the backend of how the Azure Toolkit works
- Use this when you need more control of the install process or add extra files
- You can create an install package for you own Sitecore site
- Managed Cloud
- Sitecore (the company) setups up the initial environment in Azure
- Sitecore (the company) manages all the infrastructure
- The default Paas environment includes
- Web app
- App Insights
- Azure SQL
- Azure Search
- Redis Cache
- MongoDB
- Note that many of the default services can be swapped for similar services
- Azure search for Solor or Coveo
- App Insights for NewRelic
- Web Apps for full vitural machines
Find the rest of my notes from Sitecore Symposium 2017