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Management Consulting

Failure as a Teacher

Being a paramedic during the formative years of my working life, I’ve been surprised at how many of the lessons that I learned on the job have translated to the business world.   I remember the first time I performed CPR like it was yesterday, though it was more than 25 years ago – July […]

Establishing Authoritative Sources in Data Governance

Establishing an authoritative sources capability confirms the enterprise approved source for data ownership, including both origination and distribution. Before a financial institution can agree on authorized sources of data, there must first be a common understanding of the type of data being sourced. Data will need to be classified in an agreed-upon enterprise data model. […]

Birth and Death: The Life Cycle of Employment

Being a paramedic during the formative years of my working life, I’ve been surprised at how many of the lessons that I learned on the job have translated to the business world. Watching EMS on TV and movies, especially when it’s fictional, is always entertaining. Everything goes smoothly, there’s very little blood (or anything else), […]

Responsibility of Data Architecture in Data Governance

The data architecture capability will supply the components and standards necessary to implement other capabilities coherently and enable them to work together. A primary responsibility of data architecture is to define and have an accepted enterprise-wide set of models, standards, glossaries and hierarchies which allow a standard description of data across business lines, products and […]

Customizing Oracle EPM Workspace Logon Page for Part I

It is very important for users to identify to which environments are they logging in. For this reason, I am sharing the following insights into how to customize the Oracle EPM workspace logo, which will help users determine if they are logging into a Production, Development, or QA environment. Out of the box Workspace log […]

Is the Scene Safe?

Being a paramedic during the formative years of my working life, I’ve been surprised at how many of the lessons that I learned on the job have translated to the business world.   EMS can be a dangerous profession; more EMS workers are killed per year than firefighters.[1] One study showed that 2/3 reported some […]

Defining Organizational Roles in a Data Governance Road Map

The data governance road map should define a data governance operating model and organization structure. As part of the structure, an executive steering committee should be established with representation from all key areas of the financial institution. The steering committee is responsible for providing overall direction and vision for the company’s data strategy and governance […]

Write it Up – Lessons from My Days as a Paramedic

Being a paramedic during the formative years of my working life, I’ve been surprised at how many of the lessons that I learned on the job have translated to the business world. Paperwork is perhaps universally a dirty word among those who have to do it. I have many a fond memory of sitting scrunched […]

Synergizing Agile Projects

The Synergizing Idea This hypothesis started when I was part of the potluck-hosting team in my office. Our lead had set targets on taste, quantity, quality, and timelines. Then he said, “We are presenting this food to our clients; let us make it a unique memorable experience for them. Let us ensure that it does […]

Perficient’s Guide to Denver Startup Week 2018

Denver Startup Week is a continuous celebration of everything entrepreneurial and innovative in Denver. This 5-day experience is one of the largest free events of its kind in the world. While here, people come together at numerous sessions and events to celebrate Denver’s thriving pioneering environment. This alone enforces the city’s culture of innovation. The […]

Mid Adult Male Retail Shop Staff Checking Or Looking For Inventory In A Storage Room

Tackling Supply Chain Trends

Current innovations in the supply chain industry can play a major role in improving any company’s existing supply chain capabilities. While some companies may be ready for cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain or data capabilities presented by advanced analytics, others may need to make sure the supply chain components they’ve already worked hard to put […]

Supply Chain: Common Reasons for Missing Foundational Components

Our experience has shown that many companies want to look to the future, but are missing the key foundational components necessary to be successful. Common reasons for missing these foundational components include: Lack of a transformational roadmap for the supply chain organization that is aligned with business objectives and vetted with business cases to ensure […]

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