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Social Media

Where is Digital Marketing Headed in 2015? – Part 1- Here’s Why with Mark & Eric

In the first episode of this two-part edition of Here’s Why, Mark asks Eric for his industry predictions for the year 2015. Specifically, Eric reveals his thoughts on the changes that may come in terms of Google and social media. In light of the recent news that Twitter and Google are rebuilding their relationship, 2015 […]

How Does Google Index Tweets Today? How the New Twitter Deal Will Impact SEO

Get caught up! We have updated this study two more times since this was published. See the latest version: Google Indexing to Tweets Appears to Decline. Late on Wednesday evening (February 4th, 2015), Bloomberg broke the news of a new deal between Google and Twitter. The following day Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan put together an […]

Why Does Twitter Need SEO? – Here’s Why with Mark & Eric

In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark & Eric discuss Twitter and Google’s rocky past. The two companies used to have a tight relationship, but that came apart as times went on. As big a network as Twitter is, it’s not seeing the growth on new users that it would like. One method that they’ve […]

Tweeting a Link to a Page Might Get it Indexed

As a part of the IMEC Labs Test Group, we have been running some tests to see whether or not tweeting a link to a page that is otherwise invisible to Google can cause it to be crawled and indexed. The short story is this is: Yes, it might. [Tweet This!] In our two test samples, one […]

How Does Japanese Twitter Use Differ from Western Twitter Use?

Here it is in a nutshell: Engagement with Japanese tweets is more affected by Social Authority levels than are Western language tweets. [Tweet This!] Use of Hashtags, links, and longer tweet length have an even greater positive impact than they do in Western language tweets. [Tweet This!] In December we published our study on Twitter Engagement, with a […]

What If Our Brand’s “Face” Breaks Bad?

Is having a personal brand that represents your company brand too risky?  I’m on a crusade. A #PBR crusade! No, not for the favorite ironic beer brand of hipsters. My #PBR is what I call a Personal Brand Representative. I described the role in depth in my post for Moz titled “Personal Brand Punch: Why Your […]

Why Do SEO & Social Media Work Better Together? – Here’s Why with Mark & Eric

In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark & Eric discuss the benefits of SEO and Social Media working together. Search and social fall under the umbrella of digital marketing and should not be kept in separate silos. But too often, in larger organizations in particular, they each work by their own agenda. In this four minute […]

Twitter Engagement Unmasked: A Study of More than 4M Tweets

What you see before you is the result of analyzing more than 2 million Western language tweets out of over 4 million Tweets we collected. In this paper we will outline the results of analyzing that data to learn and understand what drives behavior on Twitter. One of the main goals: to see what really drives […]

What the Ello? – Here’s Why with Mark and Eric

In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark and Eric dive head first into the world of Ello. They discuss the reasons behind Ello’s recent surge in popularity, who created it and why, and what the future holds for the burgeoning social network. If you haven’t read it already, definitely check out Mark’s incredibly in-depth guide: […]

Ello: The Complete Guide to the Ad Free Social Network

Ello is an “ad free and always will be” social network. Although it’s been around for a few months, its existence went viral during the final weeks of September 2014. This post will serve as a frequently-updated guide to the features of Ello and how to use them. You can download the latest version in PDF […]

Facebook Post Types: Picking a Winner Isn’t Easy

It’s no secret that at StoneTemple we are Google+ enthusiasts. It’s widely known in the Google+ community that image posts are the most effective. And it makes sense; today’s users expect a rich experience when they interact with the web, with quality, eye-catching visuals that convey the tone and message of the content. For most […]

Is Facebook Usage Declining?

In December of 2013, we conducted a survey of 325 users to learn about the ways they were using Facebook. We wanted to see if we would get the same results, so we repeated the survey to see what kind of changes in awareness of various aspects world’s largest social network have occurred. We conducted […]

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