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Image of a man ignoring the loud urgency of a boy screaming into a megaphone.

The Eisenhower Quadrants of Productivity

I’ve been using the Eisenhower Quadrants of Productivity with my teams for many years now. You may also hear it called the “Eisenhower Decision Matrix” or the “Eisenhower Box”. It is a method that helps people understand the differences between “urgent” and “important” tasks. You can use it to create principles on how to best […]

Prft India Blood Drive 2022

Empowering Humanity: Perficient’s 2022 Year-End Trilogy of Charity, Blood Donation, and Wellness

2022 is NOW gone, and oh, boy – it was a challenging year for everyone! But now, let’s unwind for a moment – BREATHE and HYDRATE! So, what’s happening? The IT world is studded with notable scientists, inventors, researchers, and outstanding personalities. In the spirit of this New Year 2023, we want to highlight our […]

Image of an open book with a light bulb and connected dots that look like digital neurons. This signifies that intentional corporate innovation can evolve if managed well.

12 Lessons Learned while Managing Corporate Innovation

The Road to Managing Corporate Innovation I started out at an ad agency in southern Indiana in 2002. Our clients were interested in technology and our agency helped them find their way. At the same time, I was building the web development and digital strategy team within the agency. We began doing things intentionally with […]

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Outstanding October!

Life at Perficient GDC is always eventful, we always look forward to celebrations and gatherings and never let go of an opportunity to have fun. This October has been outstanding just like our Mesmerizing March..  Everybody would agree on Diwali month is a happening one and Perficient Nagpur added to its fervor with a plenteous […]

Photo: Woman is planning with post-it notes and markings at a whiteboard.

Do it on Purpose: Intentionality

Have you ever said, “We should do this,” …and then you don’t? That is a lack of intentionality. Being Intentional Comes Easy to Some, Hard for Others The differences in people are beautiful – life would be boring otherwise. If you’ve read results from a personality test, you know each personality has its benefits (things […]

Photo of a turtle stuck on its back, illustrating the idea of creative block and needing help to get unstuck.

Get Unstuck When You’re Not the Creative Type

So, you’re not the creative type? I have good news! In 4 Harmful Innovation Myths, I explain that creativity isn’t what most people think it is. In this post, I’ll show you how to use simple lateral thinking tools to break your mental block and get fresh ideas flowing again. Intentionality can force important things […]

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Working Moms: Stop Feeling The Guilt

Being a working mom, have you ever encountered this situation when you forgot to pack something for your kid’s school because you were too busy getting ready for work, or your kid’s assignment is due at school, and you have your work deliverables timelines too? As a mom to a 3-year-old son myself, I can […]

Busted innovative idea, shown as a shattered lightbulb.

4 Harmful Innovation Myths

Creating a culture of innovation is a fragile effort. It needs to be nurtured and encouraged. If your work culture doesn’t allow for creativity, your organization’s big ideas might pop like a broken lightbulb!

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Upskilling – Adapt to the Shift

What is your Side Wheel I was rushing back from the office to home. It is already 06.40 PM, and with 15 minutes of commute still left it is going to be a nail-biter finish in attending my 07.00 PM daily standup meeting. As I parked my car in the garage, my little angel came […]

Blood Drive T-Shirt with a Crawfish encircled by Text Saying "Blood Donors Are Always In Season"

Perficient’s Lafayette Delivery Center Hosts Quarterly Blood Drive Event

“Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets.” This is just one out of a long list of facts from The American Red Cross that shows why more blood donors are so desperately needed. One of Perficient’s core values is its people first commitment that strives to provide meaningful experiences to […]

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The Pandemic – Our Agile Coach

The Coaching Program I can see the quizzical look on your face with the question, “Why is she calling this pandemic an Agile coach?” My answer is: “Yes because it taught us agile principles, and imbibed agile mindset in us.” Let me explain in detail: During this pandemic: How many of us responded to change […]

2020 Atlanta Business Chronicle Best Places To Work

Unveiling the New Perficient People Promise

After a year unlike any other, I sat down with Perficient’s Vice President of People Andrea Lampert, to learn more about the inspiration behind the work Perficient recently invested in refining our People Promise, a meaningful and aspirational statement that captures the essence of who we are and who we aspire to be. Andrea, thank […]

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